Advent/Christmas Resources

Advent/Christmas Resources2023-11-15T12:43:03-05:00

2023 Resources

2022 Resources

Systemic Racism: When an Individual’s Words Illuminate the Space in Which They’re Said

Dr. Allyson Carr, Associate Secretary of Justice Ministries, has written on the death of Joyce Echaquan, an Indigenous woman in a hospital in Quebec, and the racist words that were spoken to her by the hospital workers she was in the care of—words which illuminate the unacceptable and condemnable behaviour that is often permitted in our society as a result of systemic racism.

Every Child Matters: Reflecting and Praying on Orange Shirt Day, September 30

This reflection by the moderator speaks to the importance of participating in Orange Shirt Day on September 30 to remember and honour the Indigenous children who attended Indian Residential Schools, and reflects on the PCC’s involvement in the Residential School System and its inter-generational impacts on Indigenous children today.

Why Work To Decolonize: New Study Guide from Justice Ministries

Why Work To Decolonize? is a study resource produced in collaboration between the PCC’s National Indigenous Ministries Council and the Life and Mission Agency (Justice Ministries) that engages the overall themes of the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.


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