Come Together Zoom events

The next Come Together event will be on June 12th, 1:00 p.m. (ET).

The topic will be “Today’s Cuba” and speakers will be Lily Ko (international Ministries), the Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon (Principal Emerita of Knox College) and Janet Brewer (WMS).

The Moderator’s annual trip was sadly cut short when the war in Israel / Palestine broke out in October 2023. An alternate trip for the Moderator was planned and Cuba chosen as the destination. Participants were our current Moderator, the Rev. Mary Fontaine, her traveling companion the Rev. Lipboon Lee, the Rev. Noel and Dr. Dorcas Gordon, Lily Ko and Janet Brewer.

Join us for a look at Cuba’s history and Christianity in Cuba today.

Ceiling of church sanctuary

If you would like the Zoom link for this event, and are not on the participants’ list, please contact Sarah Kim


Welcome to the WMS: come study, pray, serve and join in fellowship

The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) is an autonomous organization within The Presbyterian Church in Canada. To carry out the purpose of the WMS, local groups have been established in congregations from Quebec to British Columbia. The local group is the mainstay of the Society.

Groups meet regularly to study, pray for, and serve the mission of the church. They are informed about current and relevant mission through the use of mission studies.

Groups transform their knowledge into action through prayer and service. They regularly respond to long-term and emergency need in congregations, communities, and the world. Their contributions to the national WMS office support mission grants, yearly mission projects, resources, and staff.

The Organizational Structure

Beyond the local group, the administrative structure of the Society parallels that of The Presbyterian Church in Canada: Presbyterial (Presbytery), Synodical (Synod), Council Executive, and Council.


Together with WMS groups, congregations, and mission-minded people we can make a difference.

Make a donation today to the Together We Can! projects. Designate the gift to the project of your choice.

Action Réfugiés Montréal

Action Réfugiés Montréal (ARM) is a strong voice for refugeed people in Montreal and beyond. As a notfor-profit, faith-inspired organization they seek justice for asylum-seekers and refugeed people. They promote partnerships among people in refugee and faith communities and society at large for mutual empowerment.

Through their programs they provide hope and assistance while raising awareness of refugee rights. ARM’s Detention Program provides support to people detained for immigration reasons at the Laval Immigration Holding Centre. They are the only organization to visit the Laval IHC on a weekly basis to provide support to the men, women, and children who are detained there. Their private Sponsorship Program provides an avenue for family reunification: people in the Montreal region sponsor family members who are living in a refugee situation overseas. In addition, their Twinning Program creates social connection for women who have recently arrived in Montréal with women who are already living there. Through regular meetings and group activities, the “twins” create bonds of friendship and solidarity.

Besides the programs that ARM runs, they work for refugeed people in other ways. They work continually to raise awareness of refugee rights. Their staff speak at conferences, give guest lectures and visit congregations to address refugee issues. They are also consulted and interviewed on a regular basis by the media to educate the general public about the refugee situation.

ARM’s strong voice is heard; it is the classic “punch above its weight” kind of organization. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) has recognized ARM’s expertise in refugee protection and their understanding of Canada’s overseas selection and inland determination processes. ARM staff members often meet with, or write to, politicians and other influential parties. ARM also regularly raises concerns directly with government ministries or agencies. ARM welcomes newcomers in your name.

Action Réfugiés Montréal
Information Sheet (PDF)
Flyer (PDF)

Contact the WMS officeemail | 800-619-7301 to order printed copies.

Kenora Fellowship Centre

Also known as Anamiewiummig “House of Prayer”

“The Kenora Fellowship Centre is a place for people facing homelessness and poverty to feel safe. The Fellowship Centre is a part of the National Native Ministry Council. Although we don’t only serve the First nations population we serve the homeless, those living in poverty, working poor, seniors, and people living with physical and mental disabilities of all ages.

We believe that each person has a chance to heal themselves, and each person has a story to be told.”
Situated on the Traditional Territory of Treaty Three Anishinaabe Nation, The Kenora Fellowship Centre has been a PCC ministry since 1967.

The drop-in centre offers meals, transitional and room-and-board housing, laundry, showers, public washrooms, and a safe place. Patrons have many kinds of pain and challenges – intergenerational impact of residential school, addictions and substance abuse, mental health issues, homelessness and poverty, and discrimination.


Sarah Kim, Executive Director, skim [at] presbyterian [dot] ca, 1-800-619-7301 ext. 321

WMS Council Executives Members without Portfolio
Cathy Reid (President) Bonnie Mooney (CNOB)
Janet Brewer (Past President) Shirley Miller (SWO)
Joan Smith (Treasurer) Deborah Stimphil (SWO)
Synodical Presidents/Representatives
Susan Trapp (British Columbia)
Sandi Churchill (Alberta)
Lisbeth Duncan (Alberta)
Ina Borger (Manitoba and Northwest Ontario)
Janice Terry (Central, Northeastern Ontario & Bermuda)
Margaret McGugan (Southwestern Ontario)
Catherine Blatch (Quebec and Eastern Ontario)