Donate to Mission Priority Funds

The Mission Priority Funds were established to provide Presbyterians the opportunity to channel their planned gifts into vitally needed areas of ministry and mission that match the areas of their interest and passion.

Donate to Mission Priority Funds

There are many ways to give! You can donate to the funds online using the links below or make a planned gift. Having trouble deciding which fund to support? Give to the Priorities for Mission Fund.

Creative Ministry with Children and Youth Fund

Creative Ministry with Children and Youth

There is an urgent need to launch and sustain vibrant children and youth programs in The Presbyterian Church in Canada today. The declining number of children and youth in our denomination is a worrisome trend. The purpose of this fund is to reverse that trend by providing additional money to initiate and carry out dynamic programs focused on ministry with children and youth. These projects can be done at any level of the church, from the local congregation to the national level.

Given the urgency of the need, contributed funds will be available immediately and fully disbursed within seven years after donations are made. It is possible, however, for those making larger gifts to the fund to endow their gift, if they so wish.

Projects supported by the fund will:

  • encourage new, creative and innovative programs for children and youth to help them grow as disciples of Christ
  • equip families to nurture faith in their children and grandchildren
  • provide funding for local, regional or national initiatives in children and youth ministry
Growing Churches Fund

Growing Churches

In a time of declining church membership, when more and more congregations are closing or amalgamating, it is more important than ever for the church to provide strategic support for those engaged in new church development. The Growing Churches Fund was established by The Presbyterian Church in Canada to help presbyteries start new congregations and to support those called to this vital area of ministry. The Presbyterian Church in Canada presently provides funding for three to five new church starts each year.  Our goal is to provide funding and trained leadership to start one additional church planting each year until we reach a minimum of twelve church starts a year.

The fund will help us meet this goal by:

  • Providing funds for presbyteries to hire consultants in determining the opportunities for new church plantings in their area
  • Encouraging presbyteries to use a variety of models for starting new congregations and new ministries
  • Providing coaches and mentors to offer ongoing training and support for new church development (NCD) workers
  • Funding continuing education opportunities and an annual NCD Conference for NCD workers
Healing and Reconciliation Fund

Healing and Reconciliation

“With God’s guidance our church will seek opportunities to walk with Indigenous peoples to find healing and wholeness together as God’s people.”

Those words conclude The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s Confession to Indigenous peoples. The Healing and Reconciliation Fund provides opportunities for healing and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. This includes activities like producing resources and facilitating workshops, visits, and learning initiatives that equip local leaders, youth groups, congregations, presbyteries, synods and communities to learn about the issues of concern to Indigenous people and walk with them in addressing these issues.

Indigenous Ministry Fund

Indigenous Ministry Fund

Gifts to the Indigenous Ministry Fund provide a source of stable funding that allow PCC ministries with Indigenous peoples to foster healing and cultural restoration. This fund is distributed by the National Indigenous Ministry Council, which is comprised of two representatives from each Indigenous ministry, giving each ministry a voice in how the funds will be used. It will support programs that:

  1. provide healing for Indigenous peoples through education about the history and impact of residential schools and colonialism,
  2. promote positive Indigenous identity,
  3. offer practical and spiritual support to Indigenous people.
Mission Connections Fund

Mission Connections Fund

More and more Presbyterians are looking for short-term mission experiences in different cultures. These short-term experiences can transform lives – both of the participants and the mission partners. Wherever the PCC is engaged in mission, we work with partner churches and agencies who understand the cultural context of their communities. We go to teach and to learn, to give and to receive, working alongside our partners in a spirit of mutual understanding and respect.

The Mission Connections Fund helps:

  • facilitate exchanges between congregations and mission partners
  • provide training and orientation for people to participate in short-term mission programs
  • cover the administrative costs for our mission partners to host mission groups
  • provide knowledgeable people to facilitate short-term mission trips.

Your gifts to this fund will help The Presbyterian Church in Canada engage congregations and individuals in first-hand experiences of mission in Canada and around the world.

Presbyterian Connection Newspaper

Presbyterian Connection Newspaper

The Presbyterian Connection newspaper unites Presbyterians from across the country through stories, reflections, interviews and articles, allowing us to share and develop our faith. It equips leaders, connects congregations and missions, highlights denominational work and maintains ties across the country. It is distributed four times per year, free of charge. Your gifts will help ensure the publication of this free resource.

Sexuality and Inclusion Fund

Sexuality and Inclusion Fund

Helps The Presbyterian Church in Canada fulfill the decisions, pastoral letters, and statements related to sexuality, orientation, gender identity and faith that the General Assembly has made and may make in the future.

Sustaining Pastoral Excellence

Sustaining Pastoral Excellence

The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Fund is one of the Mission Priority Funds established by The Presbyterian Church in Canada.  The purpose of the fund is to strengthen the church for mission by strengthening its ministers. To thrive as leaders, ministers need ways to nourish their spiritual lives, intellectual growth and pastoral imagination, and to care for the health and well-being of themselves and their families.

This fund will help finance programs of learning, renewal and support for ministers through:

  • grants to ministers for extensive study programs
  • grants to ministers for new colleague covenant groups
  • access to confidential assessment, counselling and referral, through an insurance provider, for actively serving ministers and their families.

The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Fund received seed money of $180,000 from bequest funds generously donated by members of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. But the fund needs to grow, and you can help.

Priorities for Mission Fund

Finding it difficult to decide which mission priority fund to contribute to? A simple solution is to support the Priorities for Mission Fund. This fund will ongoing provide financial support for the mission priorities of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, both now and in the future. Your planned gift will be invested in the PCC’s consolidated fund. Every year 10% of the fund will be available for urgent needs outside the budgeted mission work of the Life and Mission Agency. It will complement the other Mission Priority Funds by providing funds for emerging and urgent needs in the area of international missions, mission education with children and youth, and healing and reconciliation work with Indigenous people in Canada.

Help make mission and ministry happen in much needed areas across the PCC, now and into the future. Any and every gift will make a difference.

For more information about Mission Priority Funds, email Karen Plater or call 1-800-619-7301 ext 272.