Synod/Presbytery Clerk Contact
I. SYNOD OF THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES Mr. John Barrett +1-902-626-5095 – cell
john [at] veseys [dot] com
1. Presbytery of Cape Breton Mr. Charles Greaves +1-902-565-7899 – cell
+1-902-564-9570 – res
cbclerk01 [at] gmail [dot] com
2. Presbytery of Newfoundland Mr. Bruce Templeton +1-709-753-0695 – res
presbyteriannl [at] gmail [dot] com
3. Presbytery of Pictou The Rev. Charles McPherson +1-902-752-6548 – off
+1-902-752-5935 – res
chasmcpherson515 [at] gmail [dot] com
4. Presbytery of Halifax & Lunenburg The Rev. Dr. P.A. (Sandy) McDonald +1-902-466-6247 – off/res
pamcdonald [at] ns [dot] sympatico [dot] ca
5. Presbytery of New Brunswick The Rev. Kent Burdett +1-506-832-4985 – off
+1-506-832-7619 – res
presclerk [at] gmail [dot] com
6. Presbytery of Prince Edward Island Mr. David Robinson +1-902-330-8733 – cell
+1-902-628-1041 – res
presbyteryofpei [at] gmail [dot] com
II. SYNOD OF QUEBEC & EASTERN ONTARIO Ms. Donna McIlveen +1-613-657-3803 – res
donnamcilveen79 [at] gmail [dot] com
7. Presbytery of Quebec Ms. Gina Farnell +1-418-932-7090 – cell
2quebecclerk [at] gmail [dot] com
8. Presbytery of Montreal Dr. Michael Pettem +1-514-845-2566 – off
presbytery [dot] of [dot] montreal [at] gmail [dot] com
9. Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry Ms. Donna McIlveen +1-613-657-3803 – res
donnamcilveen79 [at] gmail [dot] com
10. Presbytery of Ottawa The Rev. James T. Hurd +1-613-225-6648 – off
jthurd [at] sympatico [dot] ca
11. Presbytery of Lanark & Renfrew The Rev. Paul D. Johnston +1-613-623-5531 – off
presbylanren3 [at] gmail [dot] com
III. SYNOD OF CENTRAL, NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO & BERMUDA The Rev. Jim Biggs +1-905-428-0505 – res
revjimbob [at] hotmail [dot] com
12. Presbytery of Kingston Mr. Douglas Young +1-613-379-5848 – res
kingstonpresbytery [at] gmail [dot] com
13. Presbytery of Lindsay-Peterborough The Rev. Dr. Terry Ingram +1-705-559-9242 – cell
lp [dot] presbytery [at] gmail [dot] com
14. Presbytery of Pickering The Rev. Bethany McCaffrey +1-416-283-3703 – off
+1-416-616-0008 – cell
pickeringclerk [at] gmail [dot] com
15. Presbytery of East Toronto The Rev. W. Alex Bisset +1-416-275-0393 – off
clerk [dot] poet [at] rogers [dot] com
16. Presbytery of West Toronto The Rev. Dr. Lance Odland +1-416-241-9533 – off
lance [dot] odland41 [at] gmail [dot] com
17. Presbytery of Brampton Ms. Dianne Douglas +1-416-303-5069 – cell
dmdouglas [at] sympatico [dot] ca
18. Presbytery of Oak Ridges The Rev. Dr. Jeff Loach +1-905-859-0843 – off
jeff [at] stpaulsnobleton [dot] ca
19. Presbytery of Barrie The Rev. Dr. Jim Sitler +1-705-645-5650 – res
presbar [at] outlook [dot] com
20. Presbytery of Temiskaming Mrs. Colleen Walker +1-705-544-1991 – res
englehartsilver [at] hotmail [dot] com
21. Presbytery of Algoma & North Bay Mr. Don Laity +1-705-949-8452 – res
drlaity [at] shaw [dot] ca
22. Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington The Rev. Scott McAndless +1-519-658-2652 ext. 2 – off
presbyteryww [at] gmail [dot] com
23. Presbytery of Eastern Han-Ca The Rev. Soo Jin (Solomon) Chung +1-416-626-7789 – off
+1-416-949-3477 – cell
presby [dot] easternhanca [at] gmail [dot] com
IV. SYNOD OF SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO The Rev. Ken MacQuarrie +1-905-641-8868 ext. 22 – off
+1-905-325-3649 – cell
synodswo [at] gmail [dot] com
24. Presbytery of Hamilton The Rev. Lois Whitwell +1-905-579-8255 – cell
hampresby [at] gmail [dot] com
25. Presbytery of Niagara The Rev. Wally Hong +1-905-358-9624 – off
+1-647-218-0333 – cell
clerkniagarapresbytery [at] gmail [dot] com
26. Presbytery of Paris The Rev. Dean Adlam +1-519-758-5516 – off
deanandnadine [at] bell [dot] net
27. Presbytery of London Ms. Carrie Thornton +1-519-439-7620 – res
lonpresby [at] bell [dot] net
28. Presbytery of Essex-Kent The Rev. Dr. Timothy J. Reddish +1-519-967-1144 – cell
pcc [dot] ek [dot] clerk [at] gmail [dot] com
29. Presbytery of Lambton-West Middlesex Mrs. Sharon LaPier +1-226-349-9780 – cell
lwclerk1 [at] gmail [dot] com
30. Presbytery of Huron-Perth The Rev. Catherine Calkin +1-519-393-6395 – res
calkin [at] quadro [dot] net
31. Presbytery of Grey-Bruce-Maitland Mr. John Gilbert +1-519-901-2190 – cell
clerk [dot] gbm [dot] presbytery [at] gmail [dot] com
V. SYNOD OF MANITOBA & NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO The Rev. Joyce Yanishewski +1-807-622-4273 – off
+1-807-632-8348 – cell
minister [dot] standrewspres [at] tbaytel [dot] net
32. Presbytery of Superior Mr. Bob Matchett +1-807-627-4351 – cell
rfmatchett [at] shaw [dot] ca
33. Presbytery of Winnipeg The Rev. Barbara Pilozow +1-204-996-1507 – cell
clerk [dot] wpg [at] gmail [dot] com
34. Presbytery of Brandon Vacant  
VI. SYNOD OF SASKATCHEWAN The Rev. Amanda Currie +1-306-580-8095 – cell
amanda [at] curriejesson [dot] ca
35. Presbytery of Assiniboia The Rev. Devon Pattemore +1-306-551-6810 – cell
devonpattemore [at] gmail [dot] com
36. Presbytery of Northern Saskatchewan Ms. Martha Fergusson +1-306-270-2378 – cell
clerk [dot] n [dot] sask [at] gmail [dot] com
VII. SYNOD OF ALBERTA & THE NORTHWEST The Rev. Harry Currie +1-780-422-2937 – off
+1-780-232-1160 – cell
minister [at] firstpresbyterian [dot] ca
37. Presbytery of The Northwest The Rev. Harry Currie +1-780-422-2937 – off
+1-780-232-1160 – cell
minister [at] firstpresbyterian [dot] ca
38. Presbytery of Calgary-Macleod The Rev. Dewald Delport +1-403-478-6816 – cell
calgarymacleodclerk [at] gmail [dot] com
VIII. SYNOD OF BRITISH COLUMBIA The Rev. Dr. Teresa Charlton +1-250-542-8613 – off
+1-250-307-2127 – cell
pccsynodofbcclerk [at] gmail [dot] com
39. Presbytery of Kootenay The Rev. Gavin Robertson +1-250-368-6066 – off
+1-250-364-0335 – res
kootenayclerk [at] outlook [dot] com
40. Presbytery of Kamloops The Rev. Dr. Teresa Charlton +1-250-542-8613 – off
+1-250-364-0335 – res
+1-250-307-2127 – cell
kamloopsclerk [at] gmail [dot] com
41. Presbytery of Westminster The Rev. Martin Baxter +1-604-770-1025 – off
+1-604-721-4215 – cell
clerkwestmin [at] gmail [dot] com
42. Presbytery of Vancouver Island The Rev. John Jung-Woo Paeng +1-250-248-2348 – off
+1-250-228-2233 – res
vanislepresbytery [at] gmail [dot] com
43. Presbytery of Western Han-Ca The Rev. Hyo Jin Park +1-604-908-0268 – cell
westernhanca [at] gmail [dot] com