Advent/Christmas Resources

Advent/Christmas Resources2023-11-15T12:43:03-05:00

2023 Resources

2022 Resources

Church to Offer Confession to All Harmed by Church’s Exclusion of LGBTQI People

In 2021, General Assembly decided that the PCC would offer a public confession to all who have been harmed by the church’s exclusion and marginalization of LGBTQI people. The moderator also wrote letters of apology to the Rev. Darryl Macdonald and the congregation of St. Andrew’s Lachine for harm caused in the 1990s.

Anniversary of Announcement Regarding Unmarked Burials at Former Kamloops Residential School

On May 27, 2021, it was announced that radar had located 215 unmarked graves on the grounds of the former Kamloops Residential School in Kamloops, B.C. In deep sorrow, we invite congregations to hold a moment of silence to honour the children who were forced to attend and those who died.


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