The 2022 General Assembly took place online from June 5 to June 8. The Assembly considers matters affecting the ministry and mission of our denomination. Commissioners, who are responsible for the business of Assembly, discerned and made decisions.

Our behind-the-scenes team took photos throughout the 2022 General Assembly.

View and download the photos in our Flickr photo gallery.

GA 2022 Logo
Note: that all times are in Eastern time.

  • Sunday, June 5: Opening service of worship began at 2:00 p.m.
  • Monday, June 6: Meetings began with worship at 12:00 p.m.
    The Rev. Dr. Dan Scott, Moderator of the 2021 General Assembly addressed the Assembly at or after 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, June 7: Meetings began with worship at 12:00 p.m.
    Interfaith Guest, Dr. Geoffrey Cameron, Bahá’í Community of Canada, spoke at 1:30 p.m.
    Service of worship during which the confession to LGBTQI people was given began at 2:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 8: Opening service of worship began at 12:00 p.m.
    Ecumenical Guest, the Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary of the United Church of Canada, spoke at 1:30 p.m.

Special Presentations

Installation of the Rev. Dr. Bob Faris

PWS&D 75th anniversary

Reflections from the 2021 Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott

Geoffrey Cameron – Bahá’í Community of Canada

Confession to LGBTQI people

Guest Speaker – Michael Blair – United Church of Canada

Convenor Introductions

Business Committee – John Barrett

WMS – Cathy Reid

AMS – Robert Griffiths

MacLean Estate Committee – Mark McLennan

Trustee Board – Richard Johnston

PCBC – David Phillips

Committee on Bills and Overtures – Charles Greaves

Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations Committee – Matthew Sams

Special Committee re Confession to LGBTQI People – David Robinson

National Indigenous Ministry Council – Mary Fontaine

Knox College – Randal Phillips & John Vissers

St. Andrew’s Hall – Jean Morris

Presbyterian College – Roland De Vries & Clayton Bartlett

LMA – Cindy Stephenson

Special Committee re Petition No’s 1 and 2, 2021 – Rev. Linda Park & Rev. Peter Bush

Assembly Council – Sandra Cameron Evans

Clerks of Assembly – Deputy Clerk, Don Muir

Church Doctrine – Wally Hong

Committee to Nominate – Charlene Wilson

Pension & Benefits Board – Corrie Stewart

International Affairs – Boghas Barbouri

Committee on History – Geoff Ross

Opening Worship

Opening worship – Sunday, June 5

Opening Worship – Monday, June 6

Opening Worship – Tuesday, June 7

Opening Worship – Wednesday, June 8

General Assembly Offering

Together we give to God

During the Assembly, there were opportunities to make offerings to support the ministry of the church in Canada and around the world. Designated offerings are facilitated through the button below.

Sunday: Presbyterians Sharing
Our gifts will share the good news of the gospel across Canada and around the world.

Monday: Presbyterian World Service & Development
Our gifts will share hope where there is poverty and disaster and welcome refugees.

Tuesday: Ukraine Response
Our gifts will help provide emergency assistance to those displaced by the war in Ukraine.

Wednesday: Honouring the Children
Our gifts will help search for unmarked burial sites, respond to trauma and support healing initiatives in communities where Indian residential schools were operated by The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Reports to General Assembly

Reports to the 2022 General Assembly were posted on PC-Biz for both commissioners and others to see.

Anyone can visit PC-Biz at even without needing to log in to an account. Simply visit the ‘Committees’ tab and use the drop down menu to see each committee’s report, summary and recommendations.

PC-Biz Committees tab

Commissioner Greeting from the Rev. Dr. Bob Faris
A three-minute video message from the Rev. Dr. Bob Faris, Moderator of the 2022 General Assembly, delivering greetings to commissioners.

Find all the information participants need to successfully participate in the General Assembly.
This information is also located on the PC-Biz site.

Commissioner Orientation

How to Access Committee Reports in PC-Biz

How to Have PC-Biz and Zoom on Your Screen Simultaneously

PC-Biz Participant Training Session


If you have any questions relating to the General Assembly, contact Terrie-Lee Hamilton .