Advent/Christmas Resources

Advent/Christmas Resources2023-11-15T12:43:03-05:00

2023 Resources

2022 Resources

Video Presentation on Residential Schools and The Presbyterian Church in Canada

This half-hour video gives a brief overview of The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s role in colonization and Residential Schools. It is intended as an educational tool to help people understand the ways in which racism and colonial attitudes shaped the church’s mission, with devastating consequences.

A Statement Regarding Residential Schools

In response to the devastating confirmation of unmarked graves on the grounds of former residential schools in Canada, a statement was published, in consultation with the National Indigenous Ministry Council, and signed by the current and previous Moderator of General Assembly. It speaks, through repentance and lament and in humility, for the lives of all the children who were lost and makes many commitments for the church to act upon.


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