The Bible invites us to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) and in so doing we will fulfill the calling of Christ. The following resources may be helpful in preparing for conversations and study about topics related to sexuality and LGBTQI inclusion in the church.

Respectful Conversations

Image of arrow pointing downListening Circles Group Guidelines
Image of arrow pointing downCovenantal Pledges for Discussions About Issues of Sexuality
Image of arrow pointing downSome Ways to Create Sufficiently Safe Spaces

Join the Conversation

Image of arrow pointing downIdeas for how to use Body, Mind and Soul
Image of arrow pointing downThe Necessity and Problem of Language
Image of arrow pointing downTracing Different Pathways
Image of arrow pointing downJoin the Conversation: LMA Study Guide for Sexuality Overtures
Image of arrow pointing downPresbyterians Are Talking About... Sexuality
Image of arrow pointing downOvertures re sexual orientation - prayers (from 2015 ga)


Image of arrow pointing downSunday Sermon at GA by the Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls
Image of arrow pointing downLove Out of Bounds - Patricia Dutcher-Walls

Body, Mind and Soul – Study Guide on Human Sexuality

The complete Study Guide consists of the main document and supplemental handouts. Both the main document and supplemental handouts are combined in one PDF that is available below to download and print. Alternatively, print copies are available to order online through the online order form. You can also send an email or call 1-800-619-7301 ext. 331. The cost for a printed publication is $11.50 for the Study Guide (main document) and $3.45 for the Booklet (supplemental handouts).

In 2015 the General Assembly adopted the following motion:

Recommendation No. 5: That the Committee on Church Doctrine and the Life and Mission Agency (Justice Ministries) prepare a joint study guide on the topics of human sexuality, sexual orientation and other related matters raised in the overtures to be posted on the church’s website by the end of October, 2015 and that congregations, sessions, presbyteries and synods be invited to share the result of their conversation with both the Committee on Church Doctrine and Life and Mission Agency (Justice Ministries) prior to March 31, 2016.

To accomplish the General Assembly’s resolution, a Design Team was established with members representing the Committee on Church Doctrine and the Life and Mission Agency (Justice Ministries) to serve as an editorial body for the writer of the study guide, Body, Mind and Soul – Study Guide on Human Sexuality. The terms of the Design Team are found below.

Image of arrow pointing downTerms of Reference for Design Team

The Study Guide is not a doctrinal statement. Its purpose is to promote and facilitate informed conversation about the topic of human sexuality and sexual orientation in The Presbyterian Church in Canada. In addition, the Study Guide is intended to help people understand what the PCC currently says about the topic, drawn from Acts and Proceedings and approved documents such as The Social Action Handbook. Thirdly, the Study Guide is designed to invite people and groups through the PCC into prayerful consideration of the matters before us regarding sexuality and sexual orientation.

Image of arrow pointing downBody Mind and Soul Study Guide
Image of arrow pointing downBody Mind and Soul Study Guide – Supplement
Image of arrow pointing downIs Body, Mind and Soul an official report of The Presbyterian Church in Canada?