Mission Moments are short highlights of the mission and ministry that we are doing together in Canada and around the world through Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian World Service & Development. A Mission Moment is available for every Sunday of the year.

Texts, photos and PDFs are available to download. Use the brief story and photo from each Mission Moment in your weekly church bulletin to show how Presbyterians in Canada are making a difference! Show the PowerPoint during your announcements, coffee hour or use one slide a week for your very own Mission Moment!

Hummingbird Jingle dress dancers pose 2020

Mission Moments are now available as part of the Prayer Partnership—a format that provides Mission Moments, prayers and Social Action Spotlights all in one resource.

Image of arrow pointing downPrayer Partnership (Jul – Sept 2024): PDF
Image of arrow pointing downPrayer Partnership (Jul – Sept 2024): Text Only
Image of arrow pointing downMission Moments (Jul – Sep 2024): PowerPoint Slides

* Within Flickr, right click on each image to save the file

Image of arrow pointing downPrayer Partnership (Apr – Jun 2024): PDF
Image of arrow pointing downPrayer Partnership (Apr – Jun 2024): Text Only
Image of arrow pointing downMission Moments (Apr – Jun 2024): PowerPoint Slides

* Within Flickr, right click on each image to save the file

One Mission, Two Funds
Proclaiming Christ in Word and Deed

Presbyterians Sharing is the national church fund that supports the overall mission and ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Congregations commit to raising an accepted allocation each year.

Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) is the PCC’s development and relief agency. PWS&D raises funds directly from congregations and individuals and through government grants – over and above gifts to Presbyterians Sharing. International Ministries mission personnel, funded through Presbyterians Sharing, often work with PWS&D partners.