The Presbyterian Connection newspaper is distributed four times per year in print and electronically. Use the sign-up form to subscribe to either format. An email notification will go out when each digital version is available. And remember, your contact information is safe—the PCC will never rent, trade or sell the distribution list.

If you have a story idea or photos to share, please use the “Submit” button below or email Barb Summers, Editor (1-800-619-7301 ext. 243).

Issue 30, Summer 2024

The latest issue of the Presbyterian Connection newspaper was sent out to all congregations and subscribers in early June. This is another edition packed with amazing articles and photos from Presbyterian congregations, individuals and groups across the country.
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Copies of the Prayer Partnership for July to September 2024 were sent out with the Summer issue.

Click here to view an electronic copy of the Presbyterian Connection

*Note: To zoom in, double-click on a page

Featured Articles


The Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon shares her experiences of taking place in the Moderator’s visit to church partners in Cuba.

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How often do we really listen to the scripture as it is read aloud during worship?

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New Church Offices

The PCC has signed a lease, along with the Anglican and United Church denominations, to share new national office space.

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photos of dry land

When climate-related emergencies strike, how is the cost of the damage and loss covered?

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Distribution Schedule and Deadlines

The Presbyterian Connection newspaper is distributed four times a year. Deadlines are firm.

Spring 2024 (March)
Submission deadline: Thursday, Jan. 18

Summer 2024 (June)
Submission deadline: Thursday, April 18

Fall 2024 (September)
Submission deadline: Thursday, July 18

Winter 2024 (December)
Submission deadline: Thursday Oct. 17


Given the high number of submissions, article length is restricted to 800 words maximum, unless special permission is granted. Please send all submissions to Barb Summers , Editor. Please note that all submissions are edited for clarity, length, style and content, as required. Due to the popularity of the newspaper and limited space, we are not able to run all the material we receive. Submissions are restricted to those directly connected with The Presbyterian Church in Canada. If needed, photo consent forms are available here.

All newspaper content must be geared toward a national Presbyterian audience with an intent to:

  1. Equip the church for service and ministry
  2. Educate
  3. Provide ideas, programs and best practices for use by other ministries and congregations
  4. Foster connection across the denomination and country
  5. Inspire the church with good news stories

Subscription Cancellations

To cancel a subscription, update your mailing address or adjust the number of copies your congregation receives, please use the online form or send your request by email with your name and mailing address.

Previous Issues