See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19

Is God calling you into a new era of ministry? This fund seeks to support ministry leaders and congregations as they open themselves up to discerning God’s vision and exploring new opportunities to live out Christ’s mission.

The purpose of The New and Renewed Ministry Fund is to establish new ministries and renew ministries by providing assistance in the following areas: exploratory ministry, missional engagement, and renewal initiatives. The fund operates as a tiered granting system that is contingent on demonstrated results.

The New and Renewed Ministry Fund is separated into the following three streams:

  • Establishing New Ministries
    The Establishing New Ministries stream provides funding to support new congregations, new worshipping communities (examples: café ministries, house churches, sports ministries, third-space ministries, etc.) and helping established congregations begin new parallel ministries (examples: newly arrived immigrants, young families, singles, etc.) or embracing creative new forms of ministry (dinner church, etc.). First-time applicants much begin with a seed grant and continue towards a yield grant.
  • Renewing Ministries
    The Renewing Ministries stream provides funding to supporting vibrant congregations seeking to realize their vision more fully, or congregations seeking to significantly renew or to replant their ministry. Examples include expanding existing programs, experimenting with additional worship services, hiring staff to work with the community, developing programs in partnership with community agencies, significantly changing ministry configuration etc. First-time applicants much begin with a seed grant and continue towards a yield grant.
  • New Beginnings Renewal Programs
    Offered in partnership with Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation, the New Beginnings program guides congregations through a process of discerning God’s call for their future and creating a plan for moving forward. This program is ideal for congregations that know it can’t continue ‘as is’ but doesn’t yet know what to do. During the 6–8 month process, churches will be paired with a coach, who will support them through assessments, small group gatherings, information analysis, and determining future directions. There are 6 grants per year available to cover up to 90% of the total cost of running the New Beginnings program.

Capital Grants
For applications related to capital or building expenses, please contact Canadian Ministries or 1-800-619-7301.

In order for applications to be considered, they must be received by April 15. If there are funds remaining after the first review, additional applications will be considered if received by October 15.

The fund is administered by Canadian Ministries of the Life and Mission Agency of the PCC. The right to grant or refuse requests will be at the discretion of Canadian Ministries on the basis of the priorities of the Life and Mission Agency.

Continue Contributions to the Fund
Donors who wish to contribute to the New and Renewing Ministry Fund may contact Karen Plater in Stewardship & Planned Giving or Jennifer Astop in Canadian Ministries.

Additional Information
Interested leaders or ministries wishing to learn more about new ministry ideas or renewal programs/resources are invited to contact Canadian Ministries.