
The purpose of the Special Projects Fund is to help fund small projects created by non-congregational ministries within The Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC).


The fund is administered by the Life and Mission Agency (Canadian Ministries). The Canadian Ministries Grants Committee has the right to grant or refuse requests based on:

  1. Terms of the fund
  2. Priorities of the Life and Mission Agency
  3. Availability of funds
  4. Discernment of the committee

In order for applications to be considered, they must be received by April 15. If there are funds remaining after the first review, additional applications will be considered if received by October 15.

Preference will be given to first-time applicants.

Conditions of Disbursement

Grants awarded will be modest in nature and will only be provided as funds become available.

The maximum grant amount is $15,000.

A ministry that receives a grant is not eligible for a second grant for a period of three years.

If an application is for capital improvements, a quote must accompany the application.

Expectations After Receiving a Grant

Photographs and a brief report on the project shall be submitted to Canadian Ministries by the end of the year that the grant was awarded. This enables your story to be shared with the denomination. Applicants must add to any literature the following acknowledgement: “Supported in part by a bequest to The Presbyterian Church in Canada.”

Continued Contributions to the Fund

Donors who wish to contribute to this fund may donate online (designating your gift to “Special Projects Fund”) or contact Karen Plater in Stewardship & Planned Giving or Jennifer Astop in Canadian Ministries.