In this resource you will find stories of people—from across Canada and around the world—sharing God’s love, hope, peace and justice with those around them. These stories bring to life the ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada supported through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian World Service & Development. May they help you and your congregation think about mission in your own community in a new way.

Each of the nine stories is accompanied by a scriptural reflection, discussion questions, hymn suggestions and a prayer. Share them in study groups, newsletters, sermons, or on social media.

Download the full resource here or scroll down to find each individual story. The “Get Involved” section includes ideas for supporting the ministries in these stories.

Image of arrow pointing downStories of Mission: Living Faith

Order the full Stories of Mission in print through our online order form, or you can call 1-800-619-7301 ext. 331 or send an email.

Mission Around the World

PWSD, Picture for Veronica's Return

Through Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian World Service & Development, The Presbyterian Church in Canada is sharing Christ’s love in 25 countries. Gifts to Presbyterians Sharing provide grants and mission staff to encourage, equip and accompany our mission partners in areas such as Bible translation, leadership development, evangelism, outreach and Christian service. PWS&D supports development work and provides relief in times of emergency. Inspired by God’s promise of abundant life, PWS&D envisions a sustainable, compassionate and just world.

Image of arrow pointing downStudy 1: Hope in the Midst of a Pandemic
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 2: A Ray of Hope
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 3: Taking Risks
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 4: Veronica’s Return
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 5: The Prison Experience

Mission in Canada

Woman holding sandwiches giving peace sign

Through Presbyterians Sharing we support mission in Canada in many ways. Together we help congregations meet local needs in their communities and work to make the Gospel relatable and relevant to people of all ages. We support ministries that help meet the needs of people living in at-risk urban communities. We walk with staff and volunteers, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, as they work together to meet people’s physical and spiritual needs through ministries that operate in and with Indigenous communities in Canada. Together we live out our faith, sharing God’s love and igniting transformation.

Image of arrow pointing downStudy 6: The Spirit is With Us
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 7: Shining God’s Light in Saskatoon
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 8: Radical Acts of Kindness
Image of arrow pointing downStudy 9: Connecting with Community

Get involved

Man with thumbs up

Raise support for Presbyterians Sharing. Respond with PWS&D. Join a Mission Society. Connect with mission partners. Develop a new skill and grow your ministry. Use your voice to call for justice. Help shape the future of the PCC.

Image of arrow pointing downGet Involved

How are the Ministries Supported?

Presbyterians SharingPresbyterians Sharing logo funds The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s overall mission and ministry in Canada and around the world. Support for Presbyterians Sharing comes from congregations, individuals and grants from the Atlantic Mission Society.

PWS&D GlobePresbyterian World Service & Development is The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s development, relief and refugee agency. PWS&D raises funds over and above Presbyterians Sharing from congregations, individuals and government grants to overcome poverty and address disasters in Africa, Asia and Central America. International Ministries mission personnel, funded through Presbyterians Sharing, often work with partners who receive grants from PWS&D, and gifts to Presbyterians Sharing help keep PWS&D’s administrative costs low.

Gifts of Change 2024-2025Gifts of Change is a way to provide special gifts to programs supported by both Presbyterians Sharing and PWS&D, over and above your regular giving to these two funds. Projects can be found in the Gifts of Change catalogue.

As God sent Christ to us, so Christ sends us into the world. We are here to proclaim Christ in word and deed. Mission is service, a call to help people in need and to permeate all of life with the compassion of God.

— Living Faith, Section 9