Cyclical PCC is a church-planting support initiative within The Presbyterian Church in Canada, in partnership with Cyclical Inc. It is designed to encourage presbyteries and individuals within the denomination to take first steps towards beginning new worshipping communities.

By participating in Cyclical PCC, you will receive access to the following services:

  1. Online Cohorts. Online Cohorts help participants connect with and be inspired by others who are exploring calls to begin new ministries.As a Cyclical PCC participant, you will be offered the opportunity to take part in a cohort that meets online. The monthly online meetings provide support, prayer and a forum to share progress with others from across the PCC engaged in similar discernment.
  2. Discerning Missional Leadership Assessments. Discerning Missional Leadership Assessments help participants discover their gifts for starting new worshipping communities.Assessments are a tool to help you identify and develop the gifts you will need to propel new worshipping communities forward.When you are in the initial stages of gathering a new presbytery-recognized worshipping community you will be invited to a four-day assessment. During the assessment you will engage in several missional activities with other Cyclical PCC participants and take part in one-on-one interviews. All participants will leave with concrete advice about next steps and a recommendation from the assessment team of, “it’s a fit; it’s not a fit; or it’s potential fit for the future.”
  3. Coaching. Coaching provides support and encouragement to participants as they discern God’s call, refine vision and take steps towards starting sustainable new ministries.You will be matched with a coach when you are at a point in your discernment where you are ready to begin refining your vision or make progress towards starting a new ministry. Coaches meet monthly with participants to listen and ask great questions as well as to help participants discover their gifts and identify pathways for future ministry.
  4. The Annual Spring Gathering. The Annual Spring Gathering provides participants an opportunity to learn from experienced church planters and to be inspired by others exploring calls to start new worshipping communities.Each year of your participation in the Cyclical PCC initiative, you will be invited to an annual gathering that offers training relevant to church planters and those exploring a call to start something new.

What is a new worshipping community?

New worshipping communities are innovative and creative expressions of ministry that are responsive to the work of the Holy Spirit. These ministries take many forms—dinner churches, sports ministries, house churches, traditional church plants, café ministries—really any kind of gathering centred on Word and Sacrament that reaches new disciples and calls people to walk closely with Jesus.

  • A community that focuses on gathering new disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • A community that explores forms of gathering disciples in ways that fit our changing cultural context.
  • A community gathered by the Spirit to meet Jesus Christ in Word and Sacrament.
  • A community that seeks to join God’s mission in the world.
  • A community that is accountable to each other and to the structures of our denomination.
  • A community that develops sustainability in leadership and finances.
Cornerstone Ministries colouring contest collage

A colouring contest organized by Cornerstone Ministries embodies the values of supportive relationships, curious and creative engagement with faith, and practicing Jesus-style love.

Creating an ecosystem of church planting

To help conceptualize this ecosystem, it is helpful to turn to the metaphor of a plant vs. a garden. Most church planting practices focus heavily on creating the Individual plant (the church). While we will be very supportive in helping to create the plant, the focus is on creating the entire garden. We will focus on boundaries, light, water and soil. This system will then not only create a singular plant, but an entire ecosystem that we create a multitude of plants for years to come.

A diagram of the Cyclical PCC showing Discerners, Starters and Churches

How do I get involved?

Communicate your interest by filling in the basic information form linked below.  Once your form has been received, you will be contacted by the Cyclical PCC Coordinator to discuss possible next steps.

If you have any questions about the Cyclical PCC program, please contact Jennifer Astop, Canadian Ministries