GA2024 logoSederunt 10

Morning Worship
Thursday worship was led by Kristine O’Brien, Director of Crieff Hills, Hugh Donnelly, minister of Knox, Waterloo and Peter Rombeek, minister at Kensington PC, Montreal. Peter preached on Exodus 3: 1-12, with a particular focus on the image of the burning bush. God didn’t appear as the mountain itself but rather as a scraggly bush on top of the mountain. This imagery ties into our Christian narrative that God is in everything. While it is easier to notice God in churches or other “holy” places, God is also in the ordinary. Peter reminded us that we can encounter God anytime, anywhere. Putting aside our own needs allows us to pay attention. So let us pay attention to the ordinary things because they can become holy.

Young Adult Representatives
This year, ten Young Adult Representatives (YARs) from across Canada represented their presbyteries and home congregations at the General Assembly. On the final day, they stood before the Assembly, reflecting on their experience and eloquently sharing their hopes for the future of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. Expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity to participate and be present, they spoke with appreciation for the importance we place as a denomination on basing our knowledge and decisions on theology and prayer. They challenged us to go out into the world and reach the people in the margins in new and creative ways. They expressed pride in our national and international mission and ministry while also recognizing that we have a long way to go toward full inclusivity, healing and reconciliation. There was hope for a future of diversity, inclusivity and change – while still recognizing the importance of staying connected to our roots and the stories that make us who we are. We must remember that we are not just a reformed church, but a church that needs to be actively reforming. We must continue to love one another, even as we face differences and changes.

Proceedings concluded with final matters of business, after which the 2024 General Assembly Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Pat Dutcher-Walls, adjourned the Assembly with prayer.

The 2025 General Assembly will be held in Hamilton, Ontario, starting June 1, 2025.