The Presbyterian Church in Canada is committed to providing safe environments within its ministries, for children, youth and vulnerable adults. The Leading with Care Policy gives direction to the denomination as it seeks to fulfill this commitment.
The Policy applies to all ministries, programs and activities that fall under the jurisdiction of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. All volunteers, paid staff, clergy and professional church workers are required to comply with this policy.

The Leading with Care Policy focuses the church’s attention in two different, yet complementary, areas:

  • examining and improving the safety of all activities, programs and ministries
  • selecting, training and supporting the individuals who teach and lead

With its dual focus on safety measures and on selecting, training and supporting teachers/leaders, the Leading with Care Policy is directed primarily towards prevention. Careful steps in these areas are intended to diminish significantly the risks that an incident of harm might occur.

The document is available for download from our Safety Policies page, along with a video presentation summarizing the document and a learning tool to review your knowledge.