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Falak Remained Hopeful Despite Hardship

Impact Stories, Pakistan

Falak Sher, a determined individual from Mehr Veesar village in Pakistan, aspired to join the army but faced a setback when a poorly set bone left him bedridden for five years. Despite his dreams fading, he continued his education. 

Unable to find suitable job opportunities due to his disability, he apprenticed himself to a master weaver specializing in wooden bedsteads called charpoys. For years, he enjoyed steady work and income until the floods of 2022 devastated the region, destroying homes and the local economy, leaving Falak and other weavers without customers for their goods.

Between June and August 2022, severe rains and flash floods deeply affected over 5.7 million people in Pakistan. Farmland was ruined, and homes and schools were destroyed, necessitating urgent water, sanitation, and health services.

During this challenging time, Falak and his family relied on the kindness of a landlord for one meal a day. Falak would often sacrifice his own food to ensure his young son and nursing wife were fed.

Eventually, work began to trickle in. However, due to his disability, Falak faced the additional expense of hiring a motorbike taxi to commute to the work site. But Falak never gave up.

Then in January 2023, Falak received the first instalment of cash assistance for food from Community World Service Asia with the support of PWS&D and Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

With the cash, Falak purchased food rations for his family. He had a full meal for the first time in four months and continued to do so for the following months. 

Falak and his two young kids standing in front of their temporary shelter. Photo: CWSA.

Being a talented craftsman, Falak had not lost hope, which paid off. In February, he worked on the netting for twelve charpoys. The cash from the food aid strengthened his hope and ability to provide for his family. With work slowly picking up pace, Falak can finally start thinking about rebuilding his collapsed home.

 Pakistan Floods: One year later

Working with Community World Service Asia in Pakistan, PWS&D implemented over $1 million in programming to assist 45,624 people like Falak and his family. Support included monthly cash assistance for food needs, access to medical facilities, and water, sanitation and hygiene initiatives to combat the serious increased risk of waterborne illness. 

A year later, PWS&D continues to assist those severely affected by and struggling to recover from the floods. In Mirpur Khas district, one of the hardest-hit areas in Sindh province, homes were destroyed, families displaced, crops washed away, livestock lost, and livelihoods affected. A food assistance project is ongoing, allowing 3,100 families to receive three monthly cash transfers for food and essential needs.  

Through your generous support, families and individuals in Pakistan have food in times of adversity and are rebuilding their homes and livelihoods after the floods. Thank you!

*This story was first printed in the Fall 2023 issue of Presbyterian Connection newspaper.

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