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(416) 441-1111

What We Do

For over 75 years, PWS&D has been working with partners overseas and Canadians here at home to make positive changes in our global village.

Our Work

PWS&D has a wide variety of programs that work to help communities around the globe

PWS&D works with churches and organizations seeking to transform their communities by promoting justice, peace and the integrity of creation. PWS&D supports people and communities, according to their need and regardless of faith.

With the generous support of Presbyterians in Canada we are working with local partners around the world to address the root causes of poverty and create new futures of hope and opportunity through programs in our three area of focus: sustainable development, emergency relief and refugee sponsorship.

Sustainable Development

PWS&D works with local churches and organizations seeking the sustainable transformation of their communities. Together, we support women, men and children to improve their well-being by focusing on

food security

Food Security

Communities are learning innovative and sustainable agriculture practices to increase crop yields, improve nutrition, and build resilience to environmental changes.



Families are empowered to meet their basic needs through education, skills training and small business development. When one person becomes self-reliant, they improve their quality of life and future, and lift up others in their community.



By ensuring mothers and children receive the medical care they need, caring for people affected by HIV and AIDS, and providing access to water and sanitation programs, families and communities are growing healthier and stronger.

Human Rights

Human Rights

Injustices are addressed through a shared commitment to human rights, with a special focus on promoting and protecting rights for women, children, subsistence farmers, persons with disabilities, and refugees.


Many disasters and emergencies don’t make news headlines, but the needs are no less real and the impacts on families are equally devastating.

In the aftermath of conflict and disaster, immediate and long-term relief ensures the most vulnerable people have access to food, shelter and medical attention, and are able to recover from economic loss and emotional trauma.

Called to respond to suffering caused by natural and climate disasters, long-term conflict and other emergencies, PWS&D reaches out to address immediate needs such as food, water and sanitation, and shelter, as well as long-term needs including livelihood recovery, education assistance and psychosocial support.


PWS&D is able to respond to almost any emergency situation around the world through ecumenical alliances and partnerships.

Through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, PWS&D accesses food assistance funding through matching grants from the Canadian government and collaborations with other members of the Foodgrains Bank.

Through other members of the ACT Alliance, PWS&D can respond to disasters virtually anywhere in the world, providing core relief items to help communities recover and rebuild.

Current Responses

Gaza Response 

Persistent airstrikes over Gaza have demolished buildings, left tens of thousands of casualties and given rise to a staggering number of displaced individuals.  Amid so

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Global Food Crisis

The combined effects of climate change, conflict and COVID-19 have caused huge increases in world hunger. The places most affected by increased prices are countries

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Syria Crisis

Although active conflict has decreased in many parts of Syria, the need for ongoing food assistance remains great. High prices, inflation and limited employment combined

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Ukraine Conflict

Since Russia invaded Ukraine and the war began, millions of Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes and require urgent humanitarian assistance. PWS&D, through

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Past Responses

Syria-Türkiye Earthquake

On February 6, 2023, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit southeast Türkiye and northern Syria. Multiple aftershocks and a second earthquake have made the devastation worse. Over

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Yemen Crisis

In Yemen, 80% of the population lives below the poverty line. Since the start of the conflict in this country, more than 20 million people

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Refugee Sponsorship

Refugees and internally displaced people are forced to flee their homes out of fear for their lives and liberty. Many live in crowded camps, waiting for peace and an opportunity to return home. Some can return after a few weeks while other spend their entire lives hoping for the chance to rebuild their lives with dignity.

No one is a refugee by choice.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada is an official Sponsorship Agreement Holder with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. This enables Presbyterian congregations to sponsor refugees to resettle in Canada. PWS&D advocates for refugees through a number of Canadian refugee advocacy groups, including the Canadian Council for Refugees.