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(416) 441-1111

Our Mission & Values

Our Mission
Our Mission:

Faithful to our calling,
we respond together.

Presbyterian, ecumenical and inclusive in our practice of faith, we gladly serve all people, young and old, according to their need and regardless of their faith. In a world with too much poverty, injustice and oppression concentrated in nations of the South, we recognize the interrelation between our affluence and the suffering of others. We are committed to service with churches and organizations seeking sustainable transformation of their communities, upholding compassion, justice and partnership.

We undertake development, emergency and refugee activities that restore human dignity, ease the pain of want, promote self-help and encourage community cooperation that benefits all. We are sensitive to gender issues, empowerment of the marginalized and the protection of human rights.

We promote awareness of global issues, connecting Canadians to the needs of others throughout the world.

Theological Statement

The ministry of PWS&D is rooted in the living hope of Jesus Christ and inspired by God’s promise of abundant life. It is an integral part of the ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

God enters into faithful relationship with those who respond to the divine calling. As Micah proclaimed, God requires that we “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” (6:8).

In Jesus, God became human for our salvation. This love for humanity expressed in Jesus’ life must be demonstrated by the church and we follow him as we live for justice, mercy and peace.

We believe peace and well-being are God’s will for creation. As we respond together to the world’s pain and despair, we bear witness to the love of God among us.

We believe that injustice and inequality are an affront to the will of God and that our involvement in compassionate ministry with people throughout the world is an imperative of the Gospel.

Our Vision & Values

Inspired by God’s promise of abundant life, PWS&D envisions a sustainable, compassionate and just world.



PWS&D walks with distressed and marginalized people, listening carefully to their stories and responding effectively.



PWS&D works for equality, empowerment, human dignity, peace and stewardship of creation. In solidarity, we affirm that all people are entitled to know their rights, to receive equal protection, and to have access to and control over resources.


PWS&D believes in dynamic relationships that involve mutual learning, trust and shared vision. Healthy partnerships are accountable, ethical, equitable, flexible and respectful.

Our Vision and Values