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The van Mossel Refugee Support Fund


The van Mossel Refugee Support Fund was established by the six children of the late Rev. L.S. “Bert” and Mrs. Lorna van Mossel in honour of their parents. Both Lorna and Bert were strong supporters of the work of Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) and had a deep concern for the plight of those in need in Canada and around the world.

Gifts to the van Mossel Refugee Support fund help provide quality accompaniment to congregations and groups engaged in sponsoring refugees to Canada, as well as supporting international organizations who advocate for refugee rights and protections.

Because of generous contributions made to the fund, PWS&D has been able to carry out life-saving and innovative work to support refugees: 

  • By providing quality accompaniment and assistance to congregations and groups actively engaged in refugee sponsorship in Canada.

  • Providing support to an Amnesty International-Israel campaign devoting to ensure the rights of Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers living in Israel. These asylum seekers are often held in“open” detention centres in the desert in an effort to have them choose to leave Israel voluntarily.AI-Israel campaigned to ensure these asylum seekers rights are respected as they apply for refugee status.

  • Through the Karagheusian Center—initially founded to provide relief and education to children orphaned by the Armenian genocide—assistance is being offered to strengthen diaspora Armenian communities. One such project in Lebanon is supporting a children’s clinic that provides immunizations, school sanitation, social work and other healthcare services to those who have been displaced.

This work has been made possible in part through contributions to the van Mossel Refugee Support Fund. We remain thankful for the ongoing support provided by these gifts.

Donations can be made by indicating the van Mossel Refugee fund in the designation line on the donation form.

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