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One Year Later: Recovering from Tropical Storm Ana

Impact Stories, Malawi

The consequences of climate change can be seen everywhere. Many economically disadvantaged countries are especially vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis. Extreme weather events, including droughts, floods and rising sea levels, can have devastating impacts on already fragile food supplies, water sources, infrastructure and health.

Poor harvests caused by Tropical Storm Ana still affect farmers today, resulting in even increased food insecurity.

When most of southern Malawi’s Mulanje District was hit by Tropical Storm Ana in January 2022, it resulted in severe flooding and destroyed crops and homes. Before Ana, many people were already experiencing acute food insecurity—made worse by COVID-19. Serious inflation and a lack of livelihood opportunities have only exacerbated the issue.

In immediate response to Tropical Storm Ana, PWS&D, through our local partner, Churches Action in Relief and Development (CARD) and with the support of Canadian Foodgrains Bank, assisted 2,500 families with cash transfers. The cash transfers allowed families to purchase food and other items to help them rebuild their lives. However, the damage to crop fields is still being felt today, resulting in poor harvests this year and leaving even more people food insecure.

To help alleviate the continuing food insecurity, PWS&D, with CARD, is supporting another phase of food assistance. This project will provide three rounds of cash transfers over four months to the same households as the previous project. This will enable families to purchase food items from local markets. A total of 2,500 households will receive assistance (approximately 12,500 individuals).

Participants will also receive vegetable seeds and sweet potato cuttings. This will strengthen recovery and help ensure sustainability, as households can cultivate their own crops with the seeds and cuttings for the next harvest season.

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Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Malawi
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