Presbyterian Connection
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  At refugee arrival points in Hungary, food, drinks and hygiene items are provided to people who have fled the Ukraine war. PHOTO CREDIT: ANTTI YRJÖNEN/FCA
Hungarian Interchurch Aid, supported by PWS&D, is providing support to ref- ugees and people displaced by the war in Ukraine. PHOTO CREDIT: HUNGARIAN INTERCHURCH AID
The invasion of Ukraine has created a humanitarian crisis. This dev- astating war has already displaced hundreds of thousands of people and created an urgent need for food, clean water and shelter. The PCC joins in prayer for the people in Ukraine as they endure war, atrocity and uncertainty. The PCC works in Ukraine with our immediate partner, the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia. Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) has partners through the ACT Alliance and Canadian Foodgrains Bank to help deliver emergency relief.
We pray for safety and peace, comfort for those now in mourning, and humanitarian aid for all in need.
At the Polish border, Ukrainian refugees receive warm food and clothing before being transferred to shelters. PHOTO CREDIT: ACT ALLIANCE
 Serving Faithfully in Ukraine
 By International Ministries
The ongoing assault on Ukraine affects everyone. Through the partnership with the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia, Ukraine, The Presbyterian Church in Canada is working to help al- leviate the devastating conse- quences of Russia’s invasion. The pastors and colleagues of the 108 congregations in Transcar- pathia continue to serve faithfully and encourage church members to stay in the country. As the conflict escalates, families and individuals have emigrated, often to Hungary, while many of the el-
derly have been left behind. Some are ill with no one to help them. Caring for children with special needs and providing food pack- ages for families is a ministry of the church. The work has become difficult as congregations have been overextended financially and pastors do not receive salaries. Many church members have fled the country.
The vulnerable refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) coming from Eastern and Central Ukraine are welcomed by the church. It is estimated that 10,000 church members have left the country since the con-
flict began. Families of younger members may be temporarily or permanently displaced. Some families are sending adolescents to attend classes in Hungary, while one or both parents re- main in Transcarpathia Ukraine. Younger members may be tem- porarily or permanently dis- placed—despite their desire to stay in their country.
Krisztina Badó is the Secretary for Bishop Sándor Zán Fábián and is our English contact. She ex- plained that many people reached the capital city of Transcarpathia, Uzhgorod, and accommodation was needed for more than 30,000
Families arrive at railway stations in Western Ukraine, having fled fighting in the eastern part of the country. PHOTO CREDIT: ANTTI YRJÖNEN/FCA
 The Presbyterian Church in Canada • ISSUE 22, SUMMER 2022
Prayers and Support for Ukraine
refugees. The government of Transcarpathia asked for help from neighbouring villages. The same situation took place in Bere- govo. Krisztina said the reformed congregation also received refu- gees from different parts of Cen-
tral Ukraine, mainly from Kiev and Harkov. The pastors, elders and volunteers accommodate them in different ways, and those receiv- ing assistance include mothers with children and babies.
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