Page 17 - Presbyterian Connection
P. 17

and Renewal
The Rev. Dr. Dale Woods presenting online.
 Online Day of
  By Jinsook Khang, Ministry of Education, Vaughan Community Church, Toronto, Ont.
Vaughan Community Church (VCC) in Toronto, Ont., was the setting for a national day of wor- ship, prayer, teaching and discus- sion on Nov. 13, 2021.
The Presbytery of Eastern Han-Ca congregation hosted the gathering in par tnership with the Renewal Fellowship within The Presbyterian Church in Canada. After more than 18 months of physical distancing, coupled with the doctrinal changes approved by General Assembly 2021, there was a need for those who hold to a traditional theology and doctrine to have fellowship, to share, be encouragedandinspired.Allwere welcome to join in the event.
The original plan was to meet in person and include online partici- pation. However, ongoing uncer- tainty over COVID-19 prompted organizers to shift to an entirely online event. The main speaker and the workshop leaders deliv- ered their presentations online, while worship and hosting were done from VCC, whose Session financed the event. Approximately 100 people participated.
The worship, teaching and workshop presentations were re- corded and are available for view- ing on Renewal’s YouTube chan- nel. The keynote speaker, worship and greetings from the Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott, Moderator of the PCC, are in the main video.
The keynote speaker was the Rev. Dr. Dale Woods, general presbyter for the Presbytery of
Westminster and former principal of Presbyterian College Montreal. His presentation, “Six Stages of Faith,” is an exploration of per- sonal levels or experiences of faith throughout life. Dale’s pres- entation was augmented by video clips, music and small-group dis- cussion.
We were similarly blessed with six gifted workshop leaders:
a) Kristy Short of Alpha Canada: “Engaging evangelism in a Covid world, which has been turned upside down.”
b) The Rev. Dr. Christine O’Reilly: “Salt and Light: church cour t strategies post-remits ‘B’ and ‘C’—pragmatic ways to up- hold the Scriptures and the Book of Forms.”
c) The Rev. Doug Cameron and Rev. Cathi Cameron: “Griev- ing to live—many of us need to engage the loss in order to regain vitality to minister.”
d) The Rev. Dr. Esther Acolatse, Professor of Pastoral Theol- ogy and Intercultural Studies,
Ken Michell led worship during the event.
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The Committee to Advise with the Moderator
The Committee to Advise with the Moderator is a committee of the General Assembly, normally com- prised of six members who are appointed each year by the mod- erator. The committee is account- able to the General Assembly and provides advice and support to the moderator.
This committee does not de- velop policy, as other committees of the Assembly do; rather, the
committee suppor ts, advises and prays for the moderator during their moderatorship. The commit- tee usually meets three times a year with the moderator to assist in establishing an itinerary and to reflect with the moderator on their experiences. The committee also confirms the ballots for the election of the next moderator and places the nomination of the next modera- tor before the General Assembly.
Knox College, Toronto: “Re- covering the joy—many of us are feeling beaten down, so how do we rekindle the hope?”
e) Youth pastors Shane Davis from Lakeshore St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Wind- sor, Ont., and Jon Dykeman from St. Andrew’s Presbyte- rian Church in Moncton, N.B., “Youth/young adult minis- try—how to engage and en- courage.”
f) Cory McKenna of The Cross
Current: “Whither our cul- ture—how do we walk as fol- lowers of Christ in an increas- ingly secular world?”
Participant feedback was posi- tive. All workshops and events were recorded and are available for viewing. Vaughan Community Church has plans for future confer- ences to encourage all ministers in their respective ministries as well as congregations within the wider denomination.
To view the entire day, go to

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