Page 11 - Presbyterian Connection
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  The Rev. Dr. Bob Faris and the Rev. Paulette Brown.
The Rev. Linda Park and the Rev. Peter Bush, co-conveners of the Special Committee re. Petitions 1 & 2, 2021.
Pictured here are the Rev. Dr. Bob Faris, Moderator of the 2022 General Assem- bly (second to left), his partner Redha (far left), the Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott, Mod- erator of the 2021 General Assembly (second from right) and his wife, Kelly.
  estinian farmers and olive tree planting through Gifts of Change (
Decisions Related to Same-Sex Marriage
The Assembly affirmed that min- isters and congregations are free to set wedding policies that fol- low either of the two definitions of marriage, but that when a same- sex couple requests marriage by a minister who does not conduct
same-sex marriages or to be mar- ried in churches that do not host same-sex weddings, the couple will be referred to a minister or congregation willing to consider conducting the wedding. Guide- lines to facilitate calls and election of LGBTQI candidates and con- siderations regarding marriage were commended to Sessions, congregations and presbyteries.
The Assembly adopted recom- mendations that will create a na-
Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer, Stephen forged strong connec- tions with various ecumenical councils and events, including the World Council of Churches and the World Communion of Re- formed Churches. Stephen’s loy- alty to the PCC, rooted in his faith in Jesus Christ and his apprecia- tion of solid theology, ecumenical connection and unity, remains strong.
Minutes of appreciation were also noted for the Rev. Jeanie Lee, international mission staff to Hungary, who had been appoint- ed to the Reformed Church in Hungary to work with the Kalunba refugee ministry in Budapest. When the Hungarian borders closed to refugees, the refugee ministry was no longer possible. Jeanie retired in January 2022.
The Rev. Glynis Williams, As- sociate Secretary of International
Ministries, was thanked for 10 years of service to the PCC and as director of Action Réfugiés Montréal, which is a strong voice of justice and care for refugees arriving in Canada.
Gratitude was also expressed by the Assembly for Barb Sum- mers, who has served the church for 15 years, first as Communica- tions Coordinator with PWS&D and then as Associate Secretary for Communications of the PCC. Barb will continue to serve the church as Editor of the Presbyte- rian Connection newspaper.
The GA2022 web page contains daily summaries of the proceed- ings, video recording of presen- tations and convener introduction videos, plus links to find voting results, behind-the-scenes pho- tos, and full committee reports. Visit
Geoffrey Cameron, Director of the Office of Public Affairs, Bahá’í Community of Canada.
advancement, but also spiritual and social challenges that are our responsibility to address.” This responsibility needs to be felt by every religious person and insti- tution and fostered and advanced through interfaith bodies at the national and local levels.
Watch the video presentations of guests at
tional registry of ministers willing to conduct same-sex marriage and congregations willing to host them. After considerable discus- sion, the Assembly adopted pro- cedures and policies to be used if a congregation decides to volun- tarily withdraw from The Presby- terian Church in Canada.
Pension and Benefits
The Pension and Benefits Board administers the PCC Pension Plan, Group Benefits Plan and other benefit programs on behalf of the General Assembly. The Pension and Benefits Board re- ported that, as of Jan. 1, 2023, the member pension contribu- tion rate will be reduced to 7.5% of pensionable income, the pen- sion plan congregational assess- ment rate will be reduced to 4% of dollar base, and the employer contribution rate will be reduced to 10.5% of pensionable income. Starting July 2022, the mental health provision under the PCC’s group benefits will increase from $300/year to $700/year, and the practitioner list was expanded.
Expressing Appreciation
A Minute of Appreciation was offered for the 24 years that the Rev. Stephen Kendall served as Principal Clerk of the General As- sembly. Stephen provided strong leadership and pastoral guidance through our church’s participa- tion in the Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and the Truth and Reconciliation Com- mission. As the denomination’s
Ecumenical and Interfaith Guests
     The Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary of the General Council, United Church of Canada.
The Rev. Michael Blair
General Secretary of the General Council, United Church of Canada
The Rev. Michael Blair brought greetings from the United Church
of Canada to the Moderator and commissioners of General As- sembly. He expressed gratitude for the many ways our denomi- nations work together, and for the many Presbyterians working in UCC ministry. He shared that the UCC has been engaged for the past year in a strategic plan- ning process that has identified five strategic objectives: leader- ship, climate, justice, widening welcome and common good. In 2020, the UCC committed itself to be an anti-racist denomination and has been providing resources and exploring policies and prac- tices to ensure they aren’t inten- tionally or unintentionally perpetu- ating racist attitudes, behaviours and practices.
The Rev. Blair expressed his deep appreciation for the PCC’s confession to LGBTQI people and
the work that the General Assem- bly is doing around racism. He said, “Many of the issues you are working through are issues that we in the UCC continue to work through. As siblings in Christ, committed to living in the reality of God’s beloved community, may we be able to address some of those challenges as par tners. God bless you as you continue your deliberation and thank you for the oppor tunity to be with you.”
Geoffrey Cameron
Director, Office of Public Affairs, Bahá’í Community of Canada
Geoffrey Cameron brought greet- ings to the Assembly from the Bahá’í community. He pointed out that his great grandfather, the Rev. William Cameron, served as Moderator of the PCC in 1953.
Mr. Cameron spoke about the Bahá’í belief in oneness of hu- manity, peace, equality, justice and the importance of dialogue. He talked about his work with the Canadian Interfaith Conversation, which is made up of representa- tives of 41 faith communities and faith-based organizations who believe that people of faith can contribute positively to the benefit of all people in Canadian society.
Mr. Cameron believes that the work of the interfaith movement in Canada must go beyond mere theological comparison, and that “all people of faith need to recog- nize our responsibility to explain clearly, rationally and transpar- ently how the spiritual insights of religion are relevant.” He feels that the challenges confronting Canadian society are “not sim- ply matters of policy and material

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