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South Shore New Worshipping Community
 An Interview with Joshua Chi Chou Su
 By Canadian Ministries
“Do not be afraid, I am with you,” are words that shape Joshua Chi Chou Su’s call and life. As leader of the South Shore New Worship- ping Community Joshua continu- ously returns to God’s promise to be with us. Beginning a new worshipping community, growing a new church during a pandemic and leading a group of disciples is work that requires one to hear and dwell in God’s promises.
Joshua was baptized in the An- glican tradition in Taiwan. When he and his family immigrated to Canada, they found a church home at Taiwanese Robert Camp- bell Presbyterian Church, where he has served as a deacon and elder, and the Children and Fam- ily Ministry Coordinator. For many years he has been studying the Bible and in 2019 he earned a de- gree in biblical studies.
Joshua, and others in the church family, began to observe that immigration and migration pat- terns were affecting church par- ticipation. Some of the Chinese and Taiwanese communities, after
arriving on the island in Montre- al, made the move to the South Shore, a 40-minute driving dis- tance from the church. Joshua was deeply concerned for the spiritual well-being of this com- munity and began praying in- tentionally for a “shepherd” who would care for God’s sheep here. During one of his prayers, he felt a nudge to be that shepherd.
Courage is needed to make a change. South Shore new wor- shipping was born because of months and years of prayer, discernment and action. Just as Joshua was beginning to discern this call, he learned about Cycli- cal PCC, The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s church-planting sup- port program. With the support of the Cyclical PCC network director, a cohort leader, a coach and a missional leadership assess- ment, a clearer vision emerged for what might be possible. Along with all the direct support Joshua receives, he also highlights the value of being together with other leaders who are discerning a call to begin something new. A focus on people, the needs of the com-
munity and a passion for family, shaped what happened next.
At first, people began to meet weekly at one of the families’ homes on the South Shore. The gatherings focused on disci- pleship, training and equipping small-group leaders. The com- munity is mostly comprised of people who have immigrated from China and Taiwan. The adult teaching is mainly in Mandarin, and the children and youth are primarily speaking English and French. As people connected, relationships were birthed and more people felt led to open their homes and share in learning and growing together. The gathering at one home then grew to three homes and shifted to online, as needed, during the pandemic. People have committed their lives to Christ, and the community has been able to celebrate baptisms because of the courage and faith- fulness of leaders.
Joshua receives great joy as leader of this new ministry. Even with all the challenges of lead- ership associated with a new church plant, he feels deep joy
teaching and sharing the gospel as the foundational focus of the community. Joshua rejoices that God’s message of life and love have impacted people who are eager to share this hope with oth- ers.
Joshua and the South Shore leaders dream that they would be able to support more people who would be strengthened in their life of faith. As they are now able to gather again in people’s homes, it is a goal to have additional families host times of prayer and discipleship training. They are
not focused on the numbers of people, rather on the strength of relationships.
As this new worshipping com- munity continues to grow, learn and pray, there remains a con- nection to Taiwanese Robert Campbell Presbyterian Church, where Joshua is serving as a lay missionary. The relationship, and partnership between the two communities, has provided strength and connection as eve- ryone seeks to share the love of God and grow new disciples in Christ.
     Curious about starting something new? Feeling called to faithful innovation? Love the local community you live in?
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