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Update: Gaza Response 

Gaza, Impact Stories

Persistent airstrikes over Gaza have demolished buildings, left tens of thousands of casualties and given rise to a staggering number of displaced individuals. 

Amid so much loss, PWS&D is supporting the Middle East Council of Churches’ Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR). DSPR continues to stand witness to the devastation and mourn the destruction. Tragically, one dedicated DSPR staff member and her family were also lost to the violence.

The humanitarian crisis that is unfolding is unacceptable at so many levels. The lack of access to Gaza due to border controls makes humanitarian assistance very difficult. Yet, despite the challenges, the dedicated staff members of DSPR continue to respond, as possible, to the urgent needs of the people in Gaza.

The constant explosions, accompanied by the distressing scenes of injury and death, have the potential to prompt lasting trauma. In the south of the Gaza Strip, DSPR staff are working with forcibly displaced people to reduce these experiences by providing psychosocial interventions. Additionally, staff members are delivering psychological first-aid training, equipping individuals with essential tools to provide assistance and alleviate panic during emergencies. 

Since access to water has been limited, hygiene kits are being distributed to aid cleanliness, curb the spread of communicable diseases, and ensure vital resources reach those in need. Furthermore, cash distributions to households are providing direct financial assistance to individuals deemed most in need. 

Fortunately, those in dire need of primary health care services—including access to vital medications—are still able to receive support through the DSPR-NECC Rafah Clinic, ensuring that essential health services remain within reach during these challenging times.

 Individuals who have sought shelter in two churches are also receiving necessary support, such as food and some basic supplies. 

Overwhelming Need

While the glimmer of hope provided by DSPR in Gaza is significant, the need for aid remains critical. The ongoing war continues to inflict extensive damage to human life, infrastructure and homes, depriving communities of essentials such as water, medical supplies and food.  Your support has already made so much possible, but the needs grow with each passing day.


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