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Ukraine: One Year Later

Impact Stories, Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine created a humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced. One year after the invasion and the situation is still in flux. Generous Presbyterian support of almost $950,000 has enabled PWS&D to provide much-need support to those affected.

In addition to the projects mentioned below, PWS&D has also provided support to farmers through the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia. Farmers will receive fertilizer that they are unable to afford, which will enable them to grow crops this coming year. This collaboration is possible with the organizing support of former PCC mission staff, David Pandy-Szekeres.

As the war continues, need remains high. PWS&D continues to work through local partners and ecumenical networks and coalitions to respond. Thank you for your generous support!

Since the beginning of the war, PWS&D, through the ACT Alliance, has responded through Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA). Through HIA, over 6,500 households received emergency food assistance and 7,200 households accessed hygiene kits. Baby products and medical supplies were also distributed.
During the occupation of their village, this mother and her daughter spent days in the cellar of their house with their dog, who kept them warm. The only food they ate was canned food and potatoes. HIA was able to deliver essential aid to their village. “Thank you for coming to us! Come see us also when this is all over. We will wait for you with a table fully set. You’ll see what Ukrainian hospitality looks like,” they shared.
In addition to supporting the HIA response, PWS&D has provided food assistance in the form of cash transfers to families in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania through Canadian Foodgrains Bank member, ADRA Canada. Olena Slobodianiuk (pictured above) and her family were one of the recipients. “This assistance was timely, and we would not have survived without it,” said Olena. “ADRA Ukraine has become a light at the end of the tunnel for us. We are very grateful!” *Story and image provided by Canadian Foodgrains Bank and ADRA Ukraine.
In addition to receiving food, shelter support, and cash assistance, refugees and those internally displaced were also provided with emergency mental health and psychological care. Therapy dog Doxa is seen here providing some comfort to children at a shelter for internally displaced people.
As we approach the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, we continue to provide support to refugees fleeing the war and the many internally displaced people. We also pray for the end of continued violence and remain hopeful that those affected can begin to rebuild their lives.
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ACT Alliance, Ukraine
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