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Parenting Parents in Malawi

Impact Stories, Malawi

Lucy Mhango, a resilient grandmother in northern Malawi, exemplifies the unwavering dedication of grandparents who step in to raise their grandchildren when their parents are absent.

Lucy and her grandchildren.

Before the intervention of the PWS&D-supported Every Youth Empowered Project and the Tisambigzane Parenting Group, Lucy faced immense challenges in caring for her four grandchildren, whom her daughter had left in her care after remarrying. As a result, she struggled to ensure the children had access to education and health care, as well as providing guidance to them as they grew older.

At 60, Lucy found it particularly difficult to support her 12-year-old grandson, Gomezgani, who had dropped out of school for two years. Despite these challenges, she remained determined to secure a brighter future for her grandchildren.

When the Tisambigzane Parenting Group was established with the support of PWS&D’s partner, the Livingstonia Synod AIDS Programme, Lucy joined and benefited from the guidance and support of fellow parents. Through regular meetings and home visits, they shared parenting experiences and offered encouragement. With the group’s support, Lucy learned effective strategies to help keep her grandkids in school. Her encouragement also motivated Gomezgani to return to school.

The Every Youth Empowered Project has made a significant impact on parents and caregivers like Lucy, equipping them with new skills and support to foster their children’s health, academic success, and informed decision-making about their well-being and future.

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