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Take Action

God calls the church to seek justice in the world.

Identifying and acknowledging where there is injustice in the world – and working to change it – is part of the church’s public witness. As Christians, we properly use our voices to call on those in power to help shape the kind of world that allows all creation to flourish. 

Current Focus

Enough is Enough – Advocate for Gaza

After months of war in Gaza, tens of thousands have been killed or injured, and more than half a million people face catastrophic hunger. PWS&D, alongside other members of the ACT Alliance Canada forum, has written to the Government of Canada to “take immediate steps to provide leadership in bringing an end to the suffering.”

You, too, can advocate for those in need in Gaza. You can:

  • Call or e-mail your Member of Parliament urging for an immediate cease-fire.
  • PWS&D partners continue to do all they can to serve those in greatest need. You can donate to support this essential work.  
  • Continue to speak about what is happening in Gaza.

Climate Advocacy

In recent years, the devastating impact of climate change has become increasingly evident, bringing widespread and overwhelming consequences to our ecosystems, weather patterns, and human lives. As God’s people, and recognizing the urgency of the situation, we have a clear responsibility to care for creation.

Watch the Loss and Damage webinar to understand the role of churches in fighting for communities who are losing their homes, livelihoods and culture to climate change.

Be a Voice for Global Hunger

Our current food system fails to meet the needs of most people or our planet.Since 2014, climate change, conflict and economic downturns have halted a decade-long decline in hunger. 

Our current food system both contributes to climate change and is threatened by its impacts. Without action on climate change, hunger is likely to rise even higher in years to come.

Take Action on Hunger