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Phone Number

(416) 441-1111

PWS&D is blessed by the faithfulness and generosity of Presbyterians from coast to coast.

PWS&D works to be a faithful steward of the resources entrusted to us.

In 2023, PWS&D contributed to $10.8 million worth of development and relief programs – $3 million in development and $7.8 million in emergency relief programming. This was possible because of $5.3 million in donations from members of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, including $396,242 to our Canadian Foodgrains Bank account and $2.6 million contributed in legacy gifts to the Loaves & Fishes Fund.

Download PWS&D’s 2023 Impact Report  

Download PWS&D’s 2023 Audited Financial Statements

Click here to order copies of the 2023 Impact Report. Contact for more information.