Page 13 - Presbyterian Connection
P. 13
 Gathering Online for GA
 By Barb Summers, Communications Office
The 2021 General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada was held online from June 6–9, 2021. Opening worship was led by the Rev. Amanda Currie, Moderator of the 2019 General Assembly. (The 2020 General Assembly was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.) During the first session, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott, minister at St. John’s Presby- terian Church in Bradford, Ont., was installed as the new moderator.
Indigenous Ministry
This year’s Assembly opened with ac- knowledging the tragic discovery of the remains of 215 children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School. The moderator led the Assembly in a time of prayer, lament, confession and silence to honour the lives of the chil- dren and all those affected by the ongo- ing harm of Indian Residential Schools. Watch the video available at presbyte- (For more information, see page 16.)
The Assembly directed the modera- tor and immediate past-moderator to write a statement and pastoral letter, in consultation with the National Indig- enous Ministries Council, responding to the discovery of the remains. The unusual action of two moderators writing a letter underscored the impor- tance of continuing to speak up and act for healing and reconciliation. The Rev. Amanda Currie noted that there will be more moments like this, so we need to continue to journey with Indig- enous people on healing and reconcil- iation effor ts. “Difficult but impor tant work is needed...Our speech needs to follow with action.”
During Assembly, commission- ers approved a motion making the National Indigenous Ministry Council a standing committee of the General Assembly. In the future, the Life and Mission Agency Committee will also have a member, appointed by the Na- tional Indigenous Ministry Council, to help the church better walk in new ways with Indigenous people.
Letter of Condolence
In light of the attack against a Muslim family in London, Ont., on Sunday, June 6, and understanding it to be a visible sign of underlying evil, the moderator will write to the National Muslim-Christian Liaison Committee offering condolence and encouraging the committee’s ongoing dialogue and work.
Recognizing that we have not spo- ken up against all acts of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, gender- based violence, homophobia, and
transphobia within and outside of our own church, all levels of the church are encouraged to actively and delib- erately reach out to build communities that are life-giving and liberating for all through dialogue and community work.
Definition of Marriage and Ordination of LGBTQI People After years of prayerful study and dis- cussion, The Presbyterian Church in Canada made changes to its theology and practice regarding marriage, pro- viding the option for people to choose to define marriage as either as a cov- enant relationship between a man and a woman or a covenant relationship between two adult people. These de- cisions provide Presbyterian minis- ters with liberty of conscious and the freedom to choose to officiate or not officiate at the marriages of same-sex couples.
Additionally, the church agreed that LGBTQI people (whether married or single) can be ordained and are wel- come to serve as ministers and ruling elders.
These decisions accompany other resolutions about policies and pro- grams that will help the church in- clude LGBTQI people more fully in all aspects of ministry. The church will also prepare a confession to all indi- viduals and congregations that have been harmed by the church’s exclu- sion of LGBTQI.
Rainbow Communion
The Special Listening Committee re. LGBTQI, also known as Rainbow Communion, was established by the General Assembly in 2017 to re- spond to the call to repent of the harm caused by homophobia and hypocrisy in the church.
During General Assembly, the moderator acknowledged the cour- age of those who took time to share their experiences. He expressed pain in knowing that this kind of hurt took place in our church and pointed out the need for a journey of healing both for our church and for those who have been harmed within it.
The report was presented by the co-conveners, Sue Senior and the Rev. Bob Faris. They shared sto- ries the committee heard recounting harm done because of homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism and hypoc- risy in the PCC to LGBTQI people and
others. They pointed out that the report also includes stories of grace received in the face of challenge. Most stories were told in Listening Spaces coordi- nated by the Rainbow Communion in locations across the country.
Sue Senior and the Bob Faris ex- plained that of the 139 stories shared, many were from people who were harmed within and by the church. They did not feel welcome, but instead too often felt ostracized and shamed for who they are.
Gratitude was expressed by com- missioners to all who told their sto- ries, and the Assembly affirmed that all people, whatever their sexual ori- entation or gender identity, are equally beloved by God.
By adopting all recommendations from the Rainbow Communion, As- sembly encouraged congregations to provide oppor tunities for all to offer their gifts in worship in the life and ministry of the church. It also agreed that identifying as LGBTQI and/or being in a same-sex marriage is not grounds for discipline and censure in The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada will offer a public confession to all indi- viduals and congregations harmed by the church through exclusion and mar- ginalization, seeking forgiveness from God and from all those affected. Re- sources will be created in the coming years to equip an inclusive church and a fund will be established to support psychotherapy/counselling for those who have experienced harm done by homophobia, hypocrisy, transphobia and heterosexism in the denomination.
As par t of the repor t, a poignant and painful video summary of the shared stories was presented using voice ac- tors to protect anonymity. The video included stories of people receiving cover t messages of hate, living with shame, depression and guilt for who they are and feeling less than whole. They spoke of a pervasive, subtle transphobia, bullying, and feeling betrayed by the people they thought loved them. The moderator thanked all those who had the courage to share their stories.
To learn more about the Rainbow Communion, visit listening.
Life and Mission Agency
Multiple recommendations from the Life and Mission Agency were
The Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott, Moderator of the 2021 General Assembly, which was held online for the first time from June 6–9, 2021.
 passed that included urging congre- gations and individuals to study and implement the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women; taking actions on pover ty reduction, gun vio- lence and systemic racism; and en- couraging the church to write elected officials about the need for cutting car- bon emissions, creating a sustainable economy, and meeting or surpassing the Paris Agreement targets and other measures to suppor t climate justice. Policies on workplace harassment in the church, for addressing and suppor ting mental health were also presented and adopted. After many years, the church endorsed the Joint Statement on the Physical Punish- ment of Children and Youth encour- aging people to learn about positive disciplinary alternatives to physical punishment of children and youth.
International Affairs
The International Affairs Committee report raised awareness about multiple issues of international concern, includ-
ing human migration, human traffick- ing, the global environmental crisis, the loss of biological diversity, and the on- going humanitarian crisis and human rights issues in Israel/Palestine.
Letters will be written to the Cana- dian Government encouraging:
• Signing and ratifying United Na- tions and International Labour
• Organization conventions on mi-
grant and domestic workers.
• Implementing key strategies to
combat human trafficking.
• Acting on outstanding goals
protecting biodiversity.
• Redoubling efforts to slow cli-
mate change and urging other
governments to do the same.
• Acting to protect the human rights of Israelis and Palestin-
ians, particularly children. Congregations are urged to learn more about these issues, join in efforts to advocate governments at all levels
and implement actions as they can. Visit
 LGBTQI is an acronym currently used to refer to people whose sexual orientation is not heterosexual and/or whose gender identity does not conform either to binary male/female categories or the “assigned” gender at birth. LGBTQI is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex.
to learn more.
Continued on page 37

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