Page 32 - Presbyterian Connection
P. 32

Love in Action: Paris Presbyterial
    The presentation of certificates to Kathy Thomson and Norma Wilson.
Submitted by Jane Ashenden and Deb Melnyk
“Sustaining our Love for the WMS: Love in Action,” based on Jeremiah 6:16, was the theme for the Paris Presbyterial annual meeting in February at Paris Pres-
byterian Church in Paris, Ont. Af- ter a hymn sing, Embro’s Marybel Brenneman lead the worship and memorial service. Her meditation was based on the scripture and a trip in 2000 in a 1951 Pontiac with no GPS to Route 66 in California, using only maps and trusting in
Officers of the Paris Presbyterial (left to right): Shirley Miller, Deb Melnyk, Jane Ashenden, Marybel Brenneman, Marti Dreyer, Susan McLennan (Induction). Absent: Lisa McLaughlin-Kent.
WMS Brockville Presbyterial’s “Annual” Meeting
God’s Prayer System (GPS). Guest speaker Deb Kallendar- Stimphl, a committee member of Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D), gave an interesting and inspiring presen- tation of the mission work in 20 countries with some 38 projects. Deb alluded to the great staff at PWS&D who have displayed a real
hear t for mission over 75 years. Lunch consisted of delicious soups from The Raw Carrot with auxiliaries supplying extras. Dur- ing the business meeting, a dis- cussion of the future of the WMS was held. Certificates were pre- sented to: Norma Wilson and Kathy Thomson in gratitude for the hundreds of knitted pocket prayer shawls, which have been sent to Stratford Medical Depot to be included in containers to needy countries; retiring secretary of 20 years Elaine Stevens; and outgoing
president Shirley Miller.
Gratitude was expressed for
past service to the presbyterial to the Rev. Mark and Susan McLen-
nan for their musical leadership at meetings, and Mark as a former presbyterial president. They will be relocating to the Maritimes. Su- san McLennan, a former council president, inducted a full slate of officers. Incoming president Deb Melnyk of Simcoe, closed with prayer and shared that the pres- byterial executive is planning for future events to draw our Christian sisters together in purpose, ser- vice and fellowship.
Deb Kallendar-Stimphl presenting on the work of PWS&D.
    By the Rev. Marianne Emig Carr, Press Secretary, WMS Brockville Presbyterial
The WMS Brockville Presbyterial met again for its “Annual” meet- ing after a long break due to COV- ID-19. So the business of four years (from 2019 to 2023) had to be consolidated into one meeting,
making for a very full day! Entitled “Forward in Faith,” the meeting was held at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Kemptville, Ont., on March 15, opening with worship led by members of the current Presbyterial Executive. The attendees considered written re- por ts from the executive, updates about presbyterial finances and
heard about the work that had been done during and after the pandem- ic by the presbyterial’s constituent groups. The presbyterial then re- viewed and discussed “The Way Forward,” the letter recently issued by the WMS’ Council requesting input from groups, presbyterials and synodicals about the WMS’ future in an era of declining attend-
ance and aging members.
After a delicious lunch, Guy
Smagghe, Director of Presbyte- rian World Service & Development (PWS&D), gave an online presen- tation about his recent travels in Jordan and Nepal to visit PWS&D partners, followed by a Q&A.
An “in memoriam” ceremony for WMS group members who had passed away through the last several years was led by the Knox Morrisburg group. It was followed by the installation of the Presbyte- rial Executive by the Rev. Samer Kandalaft of St. Paul’s Kempt- ville. Janet Jones, Presbyterial President, expressed her thanks to those who helped to organize the annual meeting, and to everyone
  who continued to do the work of WMS. The meeting closed with singing and prayer.
The attendees left with a sense of hope and excitement at being able to again gather to worship and serve. Planning is underway for a Fall Rally sometime in the autumn of 2024. Everyone agreed that the presbyterial would not wait anoth- er four years for the next “annual” meeting!

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