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Cutting Edge of Mission Award: Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
 Each year at the General Assem- bly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, an award is given to recognize a person or group for their work on the cutting edge of mission.
The recipient of this year’s Cutting Edge of Mission Award is Sanctuary Mental Health Minis- tries, whose mission is to equip the church at the local level to suppor t mental health and well- being.
Mental health issues have re- cently been at the forefront of public discussions. They are raised in the broad context of pandemic recovery and econom- ic pressures, as well as concern over climate change and global conflict. Pressures on educa- tors, health care professionals and emergency responders, for example, also raise awareness
of such issues in the workplace. Sanctuary Mental Health Minis- tries is a worldwide, ecumeni- cal network based in Vancouver, B.C., that provides resources that engage concern for mental well-being in the context of our faith. These resources have been developed in collaboration with theologians, mental health pro- fessionals and people who have experienced mental health chal- lenges. The resources integrate theological, psychological and lived experience perspectives, and have been developed with the conviction that informed and empathetic conversations about mental health challenges can transform communities of faith.
Sanctuary resources are of- fered free of charge to congre- gations to raise awareness and understanding, reduce stigma
in talking about mental health, and promote mental and spiritual well-being. They are designed to open conversations in the con- gregational setting that can be- come vehicles of God’s healing power and hope.
The Cutting Edge of Mission Committee is pleased to wel- come Daniel Whitehead, CEO of Sanctuary Mental Health Minis- tries, to the General Assembly
of The Presbyterian Church in Canada in June 2024.
Learn more about Sanctu- ary Mental Health Ministries at To view past recipients of the Cut- ting Edge of Mission Award, visit
   Maitland Presbyterial Spring Rally
 By Caryl Scheel
“Caring for Each Other” was the theme of the Spring Rally for the Maitland Presbyterial of the WMS, hosted by Knox Presbyterian Church in Kincardine, Ont., on April 10, 2024. Twenty-two mem- bers were registered and one guest attended this enjoyable day.
After coffee and registra- tion, co-president Judy Watt welcomed everyone, and Joan Threndyle gave a brief history of Knox Kincardine, as this year marks the congregation’s 175th anniversary. Many artifacts and pictures were on display.
After the meeting began with our purpose and aim, guest speaker the Rev. Dan West of Knox was introduced by Caryl Scheel. After
completing a 12-month residency to accreditation for chaplaincy, the Rev. West served six years as a full-time chaplain at Sunny- brook Hospital in Toronto. Serving in the Emergency and Trauma unit provided him with many challeng- es and experiences that he shared at our rally. Support and care for the dying and their families was a concern for everyone in attend- ance, and learning a palliative ap- proach to those in trauma was a lesson learned in connection with our theme. On behalf of everyone in attendance, Bev Faubert of Wingham thanked the Rev. West for his presentation.
Following the presentation of the nominating report and elec- tion of officers for 2024, led by presbyterial President Donna Sut-
Pictured (left to right), back row: the Rev Dan West, Caryl Scheel, Donna Sutton, Joanne Lennips. Front row: Norma Raynard, Mary Simmons, Betty Johnson, Mae Raynard.
ton, the Rev. West led the instal- lation of officers and closed with a prayer. A delicious lunch with social time was enjoyed before resuming the business portion of our rally.
Lucknow WMS led the wor- ship service with Joanne Lennips, Erima Haldenby and Betty John- son presenting on a devotion by
author Gwyneth Whilsmith. This portion of the meeting closed with the singing of the hymn “Brother, Sister Let Me Serve You.”
Mary Simmons of Belmore led the “In Memoriam” for Mary Eadie of Belmore, Lois Farrish of Lucknow and Joan Marr of Kin- lough. The presentation of 2023 repor ts were seconded and
Joanne Lennips issued an invi-
tation to the Fall Rally to be held in Lucknow in 2024, and Lorraine Clugston of Wingham gave cour- tesy remarks to Kincardine for hosting this day.
The lovely day of sunshine and fellowship was closed with the singing of a hymn.

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