Page 6 - Presbyterian Connection, Spring 2024
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6 SPRING 2024
Online Ministry: Social Connection for Families Living with Dementia
By Alice Post, Coordinator of Side by Side Online, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Calgary, Alta.
In Christian community, we have a deep understanding of the im- por tance of connection, shared experience and mutual suppor t. Part of how we grow in faith in community is through time spent together in worship and in service. Social connection is impor tant for our emotional, spiritual and mental health, and our overall well-being.
Many people living with de- mentia experience social isola- tion and loneliness. Changes in brain health make it more difficult to navigate social situations, so many opt out of social activities they previously enjoyed. At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Calgary, Alta., Side by Side Online
is one way that we offer support- ive and understanding interaction to families living with dementia.
Side by Side Online incorpo- rates a variety of engaging social activities in a one-hour online meeting once a week. We begin with a conversation time to check in with how people are doing. We listen to music together, in- cluding both secular and sacred
favourite songs. A devotion time provides oppor tunity for mean- ingful encounters with scripture. We laugh together over a game and/or a word search before our time together ends with a favour- ite song.
It’s obviously not the same as meeting in person, but we have realized that an online format has
its own set of gifts and advan- tages, including small things like song lyrics being easier to read on a computer screen. In addi- tion, we can easily use images on a PowerPoint presentation to fa- cilitate our devotion time discus- sion and make it more concrete and meaningful for someone liv- ing with dementia.
More obvious advantages are that people can join from any- where, and there is no commute! These features have meant that we can keep in touch with fami- lies longer, even when the person living with dementia has moved into care.
While some participants liv- ing with dementia are able to join an online gathering on their own, many do need assistance from their care partner. One of the sig- nificant gifts of online ministry
has been the opportunity to get to know more of the family!
The ultimate reality of online ministry is that something is bet- ter than nothing. It’s not compli- cated; even an hour of weekly social time can enable meaningful relationships and make a differ- ence. When it’s the only connec- tion available, it can mean a lot.
If you or a family member are living with dementia, St. Andrew’s Calgary invites you to a weekly Side by Side Online online gath- ering from the comfort of your home. Those who feel called to make a faithful response to those living with dementia are also in- vited to join.
For questions, or if you’re inter- ested in taking part, please con- tact Alice at for the Zoom link and meeting details.
 Par ticipants
can request
  Presbytery of Ottawa Fall Retreat
 By the Rev. Liz Chan, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kars, Ont., and Osgoode Presbyterian Church in Vernon, Ont.
Listening to God’s voice; listen- ing for God’s invitations. When you hear this phrase, what do you think of?
Maybe you think of laughing around the breakfast table with people you’d previously only seen online before. Or maybe you think of small group lectio divina, holy reading of scripture for per- sonal spiritual formation. Perhaps it reminds you of conversations around the question, “How have we seen God act in the past in our church?” Or maybe it takes you back to when you were worship- ping authentically with someone you’d disagreed with at a busi- ness meeting.
The ministers and elders in the Presbytery of Ottawa gathered at Galilee Retreat Centre in Arnprior, Ont., in November 2023. Approxi- mately 30 ministers and elders at- tended. The Rev. Dr. David Sherbi- no from Tyndale University led us in ways to listen to God’s voice in our lives, together and individu- ally. As a presbytery, we read the book When Church Stops Work- ing (2023) and had authors the Rev. Dr. Blair Betrand and Dr. Andrew Root take us through dis- cussion and questions.
We were together from Sunday dinner until Tuesday dinner. Da- vid spoke with us in the areas of spiritual practices, leading us each morning with worship and com- munion, followed by teachings on solitude, silence, lectio divina (di- vine reading) and praying for each other. Andy and Blair addressed themes from their book, par ticu- larly how to continue seeking God’sactioninourchurchcom- munities rather than focusing anx- iously upon decline in resources, finances and membership.
One of the goals of this retreat was to bring the members of the presbytery together to get to know each other outside regular meet- ings, and in person. Another desire was to encourage us in God’s mis- sion in the world together as Je- sus’ followers. These goals were fulfilled in different ways, which is encouraging for us all.
Some comments from those who attended:
“I learned how to pray in a dif- ferent way.”
“I didn’t really want to go but I’m so glad I did. I really en- joyed getting to know people at presbytery better. Now they aren’t so scary.”
“I grew in my faith in God and want to learn more about soli- tude and breath prayer.”
“I learned so much about how to relate to my congregation
Photos from the Presbytery of Ottawa fall retreat.
and Session, so I am ready to begin to rely on God more.”
“It was great to get to know other presbyters and to hear their stories. I hope it will im- prove how we disagree with each other at presbytery.” “The retreat helped me to hear
God inviting me into closer connection, to listen deeply to his voice.”
Psalm 133 was used as one
of the morning reflections, and it
sums up the retreat time: “How good and pleasant it is when kin- dred live together in unity!...For there the Lord ordained his bless- ing, life forevermore”

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