Page 4 - Presbyterian Connection, Spring 2024
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4 SPRING 2024 Continued from page 2
a woman, which is not surprising, given the Kahnawake are a ma- triarchal society. However, their ancient peacemaking system has been affected by colonialism and the English French War. A monu- ment acknowledges the warriors who fought in these wars.
Ontario: November
24 – December 1
The visits to Chalmers Presby- terian Church in London and St. Marys Presbyterian Church in St. Marys, Ont., were organized and planned by the Rev. Sharon LaPier, the Rev. Gwen Ament and Clerk Caroline Mills, with the help and support of the Rev. Keith McKee and the Rev. Andrew Thompson. But it was a team effort by gra- cious and enthusiastic presbyters from the Presbyteries of London, Huron Per th and Lambton-West Middlesex who made the visit so positive. Several reconciliation presentations and videos, includ- ing Hummingbird’s, followed by informed questions, revealed awareness of regional residential schools, colonialism and a genu- ine interest in healing the rela- tionship with Indigenous people. Gloria Thomson, a Métis woman, was one of the presenters.
 A table full of brochures and books on reconciliation with In- digenous people, displayed in the foyer, got a lot of attention. The main course at lunch was catered by a local Indigenous family, Mike Doxator, his sister Janet and his niece, who served Bannok tacos.
After lunch, a group of about 70 people, including the Rev. Andrew Thomson, gathered in a Circle. I was moved by some who shared from their hearts, genuinely will- ing to heal the relationship with Indigenous people.
St. Marys Presbyterian con- gregation were grateful that a moderator had come to celebrate their 175th anniversary with them, as moderators don’t nor- mally visit churches with no pas- tor (their pastor has just retired). I preached, shared a Cree drum song and a story with the children. They were curious and interested, two repeating the Cree words perfectly. Others demonstrated the gifts of voice, dance, acting; while one told a story and asked questions like a little preacher. I love children and these ones were special. God bless them.
Thanks to the Rev. Gwen Ament, retired pastor who chauf- feured me from London to St.
Marys and Crieff Hills for the As- sembly Council meeting. Before taking me to the Riverside B&B, Gwen took me to view the beau- tiful and creative Christmas light display, a project the town of St. Marys is proud to say they cre- ated together. Thanks to St. Mar- ys Presbyterian Church members and Marie and John Stevens at Riverside for their kindness, hos- pitality, stories and meals.
After Assembly Council, it was Toronto, and a flight to Edmon- ton to attend the National Indig- enous Ministries Council before heading home to beautiful British Columbia.
Mary with the children at St. Marys Presbyterian Church.
 The Sharing Circle at Presbyterian College.
      Registration begins April 15
To learn more, visit
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
has partnered with the United Church of Canada
for lift 2024, a youth event
taking place this summer, July 3–7, 2024,
at Brock University in St. Catharine’s, Ont.
As with previous youth events (formally “Canada Youth”), there will be three streams: Youth (Grade 9, 18 years of age), Young Adults (19–25 years of age) and Leadership (18 years and over). Each stream will focus on that group’s unique needs and faith expression, exploring Audacious Hope through activities, learning, worship, prayer, relationship building and fun.

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