Page 27 - PC_Fall2020
P. 27
FALL 2020
   First Presbyterian Church in Brockville, Ont., like so many others, has sought ways to support the local community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Members of the congregation sewed over 60 “scrub bags” for front-line staff at the local hospital and long-term care facilities. The congregation also made financial donations to two long-term care residences, which allowed one to purchase a set of “virtual reality” glasses for residents to use, and another to host a “Timmies Night” for residents and staff. First PC is so grateful to be able to support those who might otherwise be forgotten in these times!
    For Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church in Richmond Hill, Ont., Communion Sunday on June 7 was done virtually by an audio presentation, accompanied by a slideshow featuring pictures of the sanctuary with the communion table set up. Hopefully, the congregation will have returned to the church to share communion together for World Communion Sunday on October 4. Much time has been spent by some elders on the technical aspects and preparation of slideshows for Sunday worship services, which typically feature various nature scenes and congregational activities from past years. All worship services are posted on the church website. PHOTO CREDIT: ROGER POTTS.
   Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto, Ont., recently held their first-ever online communion service. Congregants participated from the comfort of their own homes, in their own ways.

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