Page 12 - Gifts of Change 2024-2025
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Train Christian Leaders in Malawi | IMMA09
Zomba Theological University and Theological Education by Extension are
helping ministry students and lay leaders learn practical skills for ministry in
The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Malawi, where there is a desperate
shortage of trained church leaders. Your gifts will help students pay basic
school fees and access books and computers.
$100 provides
library resources
$200 improves
classroom equipment
$750 helps a future
minister with tuition
Equip Christian Leaders in the Middle East | IMME01
Known for its excellence in teaching and scholarship, the Near East School of
Theology in Beirut, Lebanon, is an ecumenical seminary that trains ministers
and Christian Educators. It is a place of hope in this historic, biblical land—
one of the most difficult regions in the world for Christians to live today.
$100 provides
library resources
$250 covers
tuition for one course
$750 helps a student
with room and board
Care for Children in Romania | IMRO04
In one of the poorest countries in Europe, Samuel House, a ministry of
the Reformed Church in Romania, cares for children in a loving Christian
environment. Its after-school and residential programs provide nutritious
meals, tutoring and playtime, helping vulnerable children know they are
valued and loved. Children staying in the house return home on weekends,
maintaining family ties.
$25 pays a child’s
elementary school
fees for one month
$50 covers a
high-school student’s
fees for one month
$500 provides
a caregiver’s salary
for one month

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