Page 11 - Gifts of Change 2024-2025
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Plant an Olive Tree in Palestine | IMME02
Olive trees are ancient symbols of peace and a basic source of livelihood and
nutrition across the Mediterranean Basin. Palestinian farmers have seen their
trees—some thousands of years old—uprooted from their own land, burned
and destroyed, depriving them of their income and traditional way of life.
Help the East Jerusalem YMCA and YWCA of Palestine replenish the orchards
of affected farmers.
$30 plants one olive tree sapling
Hope for a New Life in Nepal | IMNE03
People with mental health issues in Nepal face unimaginable challenges and
struggle to survive on their own. Staff at New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Centre support psychiatric patients at the United Mission Hospital in Nepal
as they heal in spirit and body, until they are ready to live independently in
their communities. Your gifts will give them hope for a new life!
$50 buys plows,
spades, sickles and
other tools for farming
$100 provides
rice, dal and grains
for a month
$250 provides
a personal support
worker for residents

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