Thank You

Always say thank-you!

Gratitude is contagious. Gratitude is biblical.

Research has shown that people will give 40% more if thanked and acknowledged. Without timely, meaningful and sincere thanks combined with detailed information on the impact of their donations, charitable organizations can lose as much as 60% of annual givings from donors within a one year period and over time, donations may drop by 80% to 90%. Most donors would appreciate a simple phone call thanking them for their donation.*

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Matthew 6:21

Here are a few ideas:

  • Session members could call everyone in January thanking them for their time, talents and treasures. They do not need to know how much was given; they only need to be provided with names and phone numbers. This is a simple way to say thank-you and enjoy a conversation with people in your church.
  • Personal, hand written notes can be sent out with annual tax receipts.
  • Include photos and stories of the impact the donation is having in your thank-you letters so people can see God at work.
  • And remember—never combine a thank you with an additional “ask.” You want your thanks to be sincere and genuine and not seen as a way to ask for more money.

Just as God has been abundant and generous with each one of us—we can empower the generosity that already exists in every human heart.

* Burk, Penelope. “Saying Thank You the Donor Centred Way.” Thanks!: A Guide to Donor-Centred Fundraising. Burlington: ON, 2000. 46.

Contents & Links

“One Person gives freely, yet gains even more…”

Proverbs 11:24a


For assistance creating thank-you letters, we invite you to review the resources listed below.

“Encouraging Generosity in Ministry— Inspire, Ask, Thank”

Practical tips on how your communications can help build a culture of generosity and increase support for your church. How are you inspiring people to give? How are you asking? How are you saying thank you?

Thank-You Letter Examples

Examples of “thank you” letters that you can review for inspiration, structure, and wording. Each sample says “thanks” in a different way, depending on a few variables.

“Thank-You Letters for People Who Didn’t Give”

Stewardship expert, Lori Gunther Reesor, proposes that everybody get a thank-you note – even people who didn’t give. Gratitude generally, and thank-you letters in particular, make a good springboard into generosity.

Webinar: Saying Thank-you!

This webinar explores the importance of saying thank you to the people who have generously supported your church’s mission and ministry and ways to do it that reflect our faith.

For more information about Stewardship & Planned Giving, send us an email or call 1-800-619-7301.