Page 7 - Presbyterian Connection Newspaper
P. 7
   Exciting stories of faith, transformation, reconciliation and changed lives—and so much more—are the results of our shared gifts. Your commitment to Christ’s continued mission and ministry through the church is vital to the work that we are doing together.”
—The Rev. Ian Ross-McDonald, General Secretary of the Life and Mission Agency
 “We have seen the faithful hand of God at work. We are very grateful for the ongoing support of our church, the Presbytery of Paris, and
The Presbyterian Church in Canada—all of whom have supported and encouraged us to move ahead and expand. Their endorsement has been invaluable to confirm where God is leading us.”
—Rebecca Sherbino, the Raw Carrot
 Thank You!
By Stewardship and Planned Giving
Every year it is a blessing to wit- ness the generosity and faithfulness of Presbyterians across Canada as they support the work of The Pres- byterian Church in Canada. In 2018, congregations, individuals, groups, foundations, estates and the Wom- en’s Missionary Society and Atlantic Mission Society generously gave over $8,978,152 million to suppor t the PCC’s mission and ministry.
In 2018, $6,623,151 suppor ted the PCC’s overall mission and ministry through Presbyterians Sharing, with
an additional $222,878 designated for special international and Canadian projects. $1,809,087 was given to Presbyterian World Service & Devel- opment for international development, relief and refugee programs, with an additional $323,036 in legacy gifts for their Loaves & Fishes fund. The PCC is grateful to those who left a legacy to our mission and ministry through bequests totaling $553,166.
Yo u r g i f t s s u p p o r t e d o u t r e a c h , evangelism, research, connection, reflection, leadership, worship and transformation. Because of you, lives were changed.
    In 2018, you helped Presbyterians Sharing
• renew and expand congregations
• accompany international partners with mission staff and grants for Bible translation, Christian education,
leadership development, theological education and evangelism
• support three theological colleges
• bring people together for Canada Youth
• implement justice initiatives in Canada and around the world
• support Indigenous ministries and work toward healing and reconciliation
• equip congregational leaders through webinars and workshops ...and so much more!
In 2018, you helped Presbyterian World Service & Development
• respond to the Rohingya crisis, ongoing conflict in Syria, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and provide emergency assistance in many other countries
• provide access to maternal health services
• assist farmers in Africa, Asia and Central America
• support congregations and groups filing applications to sponsor refugees ...and so much more!
Life and Mission Agency Seeks Leader for Justice Ministries
“...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
Justice Ministries is the department within The Presbyterian Church in Canada that supports congregations and courts of the church to respond faithfully to the justice imperatives of the gospel.
The PCC is seeking a dynamic
leader for the position of Associate Secretary of Justice Ministries. This is an opportunity to join a team who encourage one another and are in- spired by the opportunity to strength- en and equip members of The Pres- byterian Church in Canada to sow seeds of hope and promote peace, justice and the integrity of creation.
The key responsibilities of the po- sition of Associate Secretary of Jus- tice Ministries include: engaging the
church in theological reflection and action on justice issues; supporting a faith and justice network to encour- age the participation of Presbyterians in justice initiatives; working col- laboratively to integrate healing and reconciliation with Indigenous people dynamically in the life of the PCC; ac- tively participating in policy develop- ment and public engagement to add the voice of Christian faith in public discourse on issues of social justice;
carrying out the duties of the position in such a way as to enhance the im- age and reputation of the church as a servant of Jesus Christ, and ensuring that the resources of the church are used to their maximum potential.
The deadline for nominations from presbyteries and applications is March 8, 2019. For further details please visit or con- tact Ian Ross-McDonald by email to
“PWS&D has given me an opportunity. In addition to helping my community, it has been an opportunity for growth for me and my family. I have a good income.”
—Lucia, PWS&D livestock project, Guatemala

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