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P. 8

 8 WINTER 2018
  Letter from the Special Committee of Former Moderators
 By the Rev. Daniel Cho, Moderator of the 2018 General Assembly and the Rev. Peter Bush, Convenor of the Former Moderators Committee
The Presbyterian Church in Canada has been struggling for some time with the place of the LGBTQI com- munity within The Presbyterian Church in Canada and our appropri- ate response as a denomination. Un- sure of how to move forward without causing further divisions and ten- sions, the 2018 General Assembly decided to make an unprecedented move: to assign the task of finding a way forward to twelve former moder-
ators of previous General Assemblies with the mandate “to propose a way ahead that allows the mission and ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada to continue” and to report back to the 2019 General Assembly with its proposals.
The Special Committee held its first face-to-face meeting Sept. 28–29, 2018. A following meeting took place on Nov. 22 and additional meetings are set for Feb. 1–2, 2019.
The members of the committee entered the meetings with the expec- tation of a respectful conversation, even as we are aware of the deep pain and significant divisions present
in the church. We ask as well that as Presbyterians in Canada, our conver- sations with one another be marked by respectful language. Heeding the Apostle’s advice to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15), may we use words and tones that aid respect- ful conversation rather than words and attitudes that enflame and anger those with viewpoints different from our own. It is possible to have a con- versation between people of divergent opinions in which the differences are acknowledged but the tone remains respectful. We would encourage such a conversational style in the church. May we choose to highlight our com-
The Rev. Daniel Cho, current moderator, along with former moderators during a gathering of the special committee.
mon commitment to following Jesus, humbly recognizing that none of us knows exactly where the Triune God of grace may lead the church, while remaining hopeful that together we can find a way forward as we seek to follow him who is our Living Way (John 14:6).
The Committee members, in order of their moderatorial year from earli- est to most recent, are: the Rev. Dr.
Jean Morris, Dr. Wilma Welsh, the Rev. Dr. Hans Kouwenberg, the Rev. Dr. Cheol Soon Park, the Rev. Dr. Herb Gale, the Rev. Dr. Rick Horst, the Rev. Dr. John Vissers, the Rev. Dr. David Sutherland, the Rev. Dr. Stephen Far- ris, the Rev. Dr. Karen Horst, the Rev. Doug Rollwage, the Rev. Peter Bush and the Rev. Daniel Cho (ex-officio).
The full letter can be found at
 LGBTQI is an acronym used to refer to people whose sexual orientation is not heterosexual and/or whose gender identity does not conform either to binary male/ female categories or the “assigned” gender at birth. LGBTQI is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex.
  Life and Mission Agency Seeks Leader for Ministry & Church Vocations
 “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received” (1 Peter 4:10).
Ministry and Church Vocations (MCV) is the depar tment of The Presbyterian Church in Canada re- sponsible for discerning, preparing and supporting leaders serving in ministry.
The PCC is seeking a dynamic leader for the position of Associate Secretary of MCV. This is an oppor- tunity to join a team who encour- age one another and are inspired by the oppor tunity to strengthen and equip ministerial leaders to worship and serve God and to participate in Christ’s ministry in the world.
The key responsibilities of the po- sition of MCV Associate Secretary include: engaging the church in the- ological reflection about ministry; developing programs and equipping
the church for the discernment and support of ministers; formulating policies and procedures per tain- ing to ministry and serving as a confidential resource regarding the implementation of those policies, in- cluding the sexual abuse and sexual harassment policy; carrying out the duties of the position in such a way as to enhance the image and repu- tation of the church as a servant of Jesus Christ and ensuring that the resources of the church are used to their maximum potential.
To be effective in the position, the church is seeking an individual who has a clear sense of calling to min- istry as an imperative of the gospel, strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively and es- tablish rapport with clergy and mem- bers of the church. Because of the specialized nature of the work of the department as it relates to ministers of Word and Sacraments, the incum-
Part of the work of Ministry and Church Vocations involves running Guidance Conference for potential new ministers. Pictured above is the August 2017 Guidance Conference.
bent must be an ordained minister of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
Living Faith reminds us that “All Christians are called to par ticipate in the ministry of Christ. As his body on earth we all have gifts to use in the church and in the world to the glory of Christ” (Living Faith 7.2.1).
Do you know someone who would be an excellent candidate for this position? Are you feeling called to pursue this exciting oppor tunity to use your God-given gifts and participate in Christ’s ministry in the world through the position of Associate Secretary of Ministry and
Church Vocations?
The deadline for nominations and
applications is Jan. 4, 2019. For further details on the position of As- sociate Secretary of Ministry and Church Vocations and the nomina- tion and application process, please visit

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