Page 23 - Presbyterian Connection Newspaper
P. 23

Crieff Hills Offers Training in Spiritual Direction
The recent class of graduates from the Jubilee program for spiritual directors, having completed both classroom and practi- cal learning over the course of two years, including a week at Crieff Hills in October.
  Orange Shirt Day in Uxbridge
       Recognizing Orange Shirt Day in Uxbridge, Ont. PHOTO CREDITS: STUART BLOWER
By Anne Phillips, St. Andrew’s-Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Uxbridge, Ont.
Orange Shirt Day, on Sunday, Sept. 30, in Uxbridge, Ont., was an all-day affair this year. Orange Shirt Day is a chance to come together in a spirit of reconciliation with our Indigenous sisters and brothers. After last year’s event, more people wanted to get in- volved. As a result, the day began with a joint service with St. Paul’s Anglican Church at St. Andrew’s-Chalmers Presbyterian Church. We were for tu- nate to have Matthew Stevens, Cul- tural Coordinator for the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, partici- pate in the service and drum for us. A special program for the children also focused on Orange Shirt Day and saw the children learn to make bannock among other things. Coffee hour saw people from both congregations join together for fellowship and bannock.
Following this, people from the con- gregations and the community joined together for a walk to Elgin Park. Our safety was ensured by Durham Re- gional Police who were able to bring
their Indigenous cruiser. At the park, we learned from and enjoyed the presentation by Jacob Charles and the Ashunyung Singers and Dancers. While this was happening, children were able to learn about Indigenous issues and crafts through a program organized by the Uxbridge Public Li- brary staff. The weather did not coop- erate for the outdoor event in the park, but approximately 100 hardy souls were there to learn and be entertained.
In the evening, we gathered at the Anglican Church for a catered dinner followed by our two speakers, Mat- thew Stevens, Cultural Coordinator for the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation and the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister for Indigenous Ser- vices. The most encouraging takea- way from this event was the support we received from the community and the people who have told us they want to be involved next year. Each year we have tried to provide the educational component to the event as we seek ways to understand, learn from and reconcile with our Indigenous sisters and brothers.
By the Rev. Kristine O’Brien, Director, Crieff Hills Retreat Centre
Crieff Hills Retreat Centre in Pus- linch, Ont., owned and operated by The Presbyterian Church in Canada, has recently partnered with Ontario Jubilee to offer practical education in the art of spiritual direction. It is an ecumenical program rooted in the Christian contemplative tradition and is open to everyone from all walks of life, including both clergy and lay people.
Spiritual directors are trained com- panions who accompany people on a spiritual journey and help them grow
closer to God. Meeting one on one, they offer an opportunity to explore God’s presence in everyday life. It is an ancient spiritual practice meant for anyone who wishes to deepen their relationship with God and can take place once, weekly or monthly. Usually spiritual directors charge a modest fee.
Training to become a spiritual di- rector at Crieff involves two courses: Phase 1 is a 16-month course which invites the exploration of one’s own spirituality, focusing on skill devel- opment in listening, discernment and contemplative living. Phase 2 is a 15-month practicum in spiritual
direction, focusing on acquiring the skills needed to accompany oth- ers on their spiritual journey. Each course includes two five-day resi- dencies at Crieff Hills Retreat Centre with several assignments completed at home throughout the year. All lead- ership is provided by experienced spiritual directors.
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