Page 17 - Presbyterian Connection Newspaper
P. 17

Chippawa Presbyterian Church in Niagara Falls, Ont., regularly partners with Habi- tat for Humanity Niagara. Typically, we will provide lunch for the teams of volun- teers. In September, this included lunch for Scott McGillivray of HGTV. On Oct. 2, Chippawa Presbyterian sent a team of 12 to work for the day, installing trim. These 12 volunteers also raised funds for the build. The amount requested was $2,700 and the team, with the strong backing of the congregation, raised $3,370.
Caledonia Presbyterian Church in Caledonia, Ont., held their first textile recycling drive on Saturday, Oct. 13. The town was invited to collect clothes, rags, shoes, belts and other items. Broken shoes, mismatched socks, torn and stained items were all accepted for this recycling drive, resulting in nearly 1.5 tonnes (over 3000 lbs.) di- verted from our landfill sites. It was a successful stewardship and environmental mission project, which will most likely become an annual event.
This Elvis Presley look-alike crooned “When the Storms of Life are Raging” to a despondent Jonah at the Knox Presbyterian Church in Vernon, B.C., annual Vaca- tion Bible School in late summer. This year’s theme was “Jonah has a Whale of an Adventure!” Also, we captured a Best Friends Forever moment, as two participants from this year’s Vacation Bible School recognized each other from last year’s event.
A transformative faith experience occurs at the Cairn Family of Camps in Baysville, Ont., every summer. Campers come together to experience, learn and practice creating and sustaining a supportive community centred on sharing Christ’s love.
Once again this summer, St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church in Orillia, Ont., teamed up with First Christian Reformed Church to offer a fun-filled week of camp—right in our own backyard! This is a wonderful program offered through Cairn, one of our Presbyterian camps in nearby Baysville. We welcomed 30 campers, and for the
first time had a waiting list. Our activities included inventive crafts, singing new as well as familiar songs, active (very active!) games, and learning and grow- ing in Christ. We ended the week with a great water day, including a water slide that was enjoyed by all. We are grateful for the two counsellors from Cairn who, with our team of dedicated volunteers, ensured that the campers had a wonder- ful week. We look forward to next year!

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