Page 4 - Presbyterian Connection Newspaper
P. 4

 4 spring 2018
Presbyterians Sharing— Experiencing Generosity in Action
                         Proclaiming the love of Jesus Christ
 Each gift impacts countless lives, and puts Christian faith into action in Canada and around the world.
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   The Presbyterian Church in Canada
       Participants at the recent Stewards by Design Conference in orillia, ont.
By Karen Plater, Associate Secretary, Stewardship and Planned Giving
“We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly.” (1 Thessaloni- ans 1:2)
Thank you! Every year it is a bless- ing to witness the generosity and faithfulness of Presbyterians across Canada. It is exciting to report that congregations, individuals, estates, the Women’s Missionary Society and Atlantic Mission Society gave $6,922,178 for Presbyterians Shar- ing ministries in 2017. This is truly inspiring. It is just as inspiring to see how these gifts are helping to change people’s lives.
The year 2017 brought many new beginnings. Archives launched two online exhibits for the 100th Anniver- sary of the Battle of Vimy, and Cana- da’s 150th Anniversary. Their 30,000 photographs and four million pages of records serve over 3,000 individu- als each year.
International Ministries sent: Dr. Nick and Becky Bauman to the Unit- ed Mission to Nepal; the Rev. Blair and Vivian Bertrand to the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian; Jackie Bannerman as a youth intern to the Reformed Church in Hungary; and David McIntosh to the Korean Christian Church in Japan. The Rev. Dr. Takuze Chisulo was appointed principal of Zomba Theological Col- lege—the fruition of PCC leadership development support, which allowed him to acquire his Ph.D. in South Af- rica. Youth in Mission celebrated 30 years, and 20 participants visited mission partners in Ghana, Hungary and Guatemala.
In Taiwan the Ngudradrekai Bible translation was finally completed af- ter 30 years. PCC mission staff the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean celebrated this accomplishment. “Every translator’s
desire is to take God’s holy and un- changing Word and translate it clear- ly and correctly into their own mother language. By the grace of God people can now hold and read this amazing Bible.”
Grants to congregations like La Communauté Chretienne Siloé in Montreal are helping to grow congre- gations and change lives. The Rev. Eloi Agbanou shares, “Our congre- gation continues to grow and more people are experiencing the life- changing effect of faith in Christ.” In addition to the 29 grants—worth over one million dollars—which support ministries across Canada, Canadian Ministries launched a new evangelism coaching network and is piloting congregational renewal programs with the hopes of building and expanding both programs in the future.
The launch of the Presbyterian Connection newspaper connected thousands of Presbyterians across Canada. A new series of webinars equipped congregational leaders and the 500th anniversary of the Refor- mation was marked and celebrated. Twenty-four ministry candidates at- tended the Guidance Conference, 18 students graduated from our theo- logical colleges and more than 25 ministers were placed into ministries.
Healing and reconciliation contin- ued to be an important priority for
the church. Thirty-three people vis- ited PCC Indigenous ministries and learned about residential schools on a healing and reconciliation mission trip, 40 shared insights from their congregations and communities at a national healing and reconciliation gathering, and more than 600 people participated in six blanket exercise workshops.
In discussion and debate, the Spirit was alive at General Assembly. One commissioner said, “I was aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence! So im- pressed, encouraged and uplifted with the quiet reverence of the wor- ship team, the prayers of the Moder- ator and his attentiveness to not only history, but of pressing, present con- cerns.” Communications improved live streaming at General Assembly so that more people could follow the proceedings.
Mission and ministry are very much alive in the world and our church— made possible by your generous gifts to Presbyterians Sharing.
Watch for the articles on ministries and programs supported through your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing throughout this newspaper.
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