Page 24 - Presbyterian Connection
P. 24

A special celebration was held at West Vancouver Presbyterian Church in Vancouver, B.C., when the Rev. Woldy Sosnowsky, Interim Moderator, presented a beautiful Japanese willow tree to Nancy Farran, an elder for more than 30 years. Nancy has retired from Session due to a move to Salt Spring Island. Following thechurchservice,allSessionmembershonouredNancywithlunchatalocalVietnameserestaurant.Picturedarefourelders,eachwithover30yearsofservice: Jean Lawrence, Nancy Farran, Nancy Perry and Joan Cooper.
On February 11, Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church in Calgary, Alta., and their partner The Road Church, co-hosted the southern Alberta premiere of the film “1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture.” The film has played at independent film festivals across North America and relates the story of the mistranslation of key passages in the 1946 Revised Standard Version of the Bible, resulting in the specific word “homosexual” being used for the very
first time in any biblical translation. The RSV went on to influence the language of many translations and transliterations throughout the 1950s and ’60s before the passages in question were revised in the 1971 translation. Through the story of the 1946 translation, the film explores the intersections of faith, belief, biblical scholarship and North American religious culture. The event was free and sold out well ahead of the night. Following the film, panellists Nicole Leyton-Toro, Art Houweling and Nancy Shadlock shared their perspectives and answered questions from the capacity crowd.
          A Coffee House fundraiser for Camp Cairn was held at Armour Heights Presbyte- rian Church, in Toronto, Ont., on Saturday, April 20.
The 2023–2024 concert series at Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church in Calgary, Alta., recently wrapped up for another season. Music@Noon provides free concerts to the community, presenting a range of artists and showcasing a diversity of music. Coordinator Donna Murray and a dedicated team of volunteers run the program from Fall to Spring. The April concert featured the Harmony Guzheng Ensemble, under the direction of Shirley Wong. The guzheng, or Chinese zither, is a traditional Chinese instrument with a history of more than 2,000 years. A large crowd appreciated the performance, which featured pieces ranging from traditional folk songs to contemporary compositions.
The congregation at St. David’s Presbyterian Church in Scarborough, Ont., celebrated its 70th anniversary on April 28. Members of St. David’s family past and present gathered for a special service of worship, led by former ministry team the Rev. Noel Gordon and the Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon. A wonderful luncheon and time of fellowship followed. The congregation is inspired and hopeful for what the Lord can do in and through them in the years ahead! Pictured are former minister the Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon and Joan Watson cutting the cake.
OnSunday,April7,thecongregationof First Presbyterian Church in Brandon, Man., celebrated their minister the Rev. Laura Hargrove’s 60th birthday.

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