Page 13 - Presbyterian Connection
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on Common
On April 15 and 16, the Consulta- tion on Common Texts (CCT) held its annual meeting at St. Andrew’s United Church, Bloor Street, To- ronto. The Consultation is a joint AmericanandCanadianecumeni- cal body that is responsible for the Revised Common Lectionary, a schedule of biblical passages read on Sundays and major feasts in congregations of multiple de- nominations in North America and other parts of the world.
Participants in the CCT worked on a draft statement about the use of passages of scripture in John and Acts of the Apostles
 that have historically been used to justify discrimination and vio- lence against Jewish people and a further draft of that statement is expected in August and will be circulated to member denomi- nations for comment. The CCT also established a committee to consider lessons for a feast cel- ebrating God’s work in creation. The idea of such a festival, first proposed by the Ecumenical Pa- triarch Demetrios in 1989, has gained support in recent years from western churches. An ecu- menical seminar held in Assisi, Italy, earlier this year endorsed the
idea of adding such a feast to the church calendar, but inclusion of the festival will be dependent on the actions of individual denomi- nations.
The CCT heard reports on use of the Revised Common Lection- ary and on the activity of mem-
ber denominations in relationship to worship. It learned that a re- cent project, the Revised Com- mon Lectionary: Expanded Daily Readings is scheduled for print release this summer; it increases the number of daily lessons to include a psalm and three other
biblical readings, matching the Sunday pattern.
Resources for worship—in- cluding worship planners, lec- tionary resources and prayers— are available to download on the PCC website at worship.
  Five Years Serving the Community in Bradford
 By Jaime Robertson, Retirement Living Consultant, The Elden of Bradford
The Elden of Bradford, a state-of- the art retirement community in Bradford, Ont., celebrated its fifth year in operation with a residents’ party, concert and other festivi- ties. Over the past five years, The Elden has welcomed hundreds of local seniors and their families and contributed significantly to charitable and community-build- ing initiatives across town.
“What began as a partnership between our development com- pany and St. John’s Presbyterian Church to meet the need for local seniors’ housing in Bradford is now a staple of the community,” said Dale Béasse, president and CEO of The Elden. “We are so thrilled to offer independent-suppor tive living and assisted-living hous- ing and care to our seniors, and deeply value our special relation- ship with this great community.”
Over the past five years, The Elden has significantly supported
a number of charitable initiatives as a company, to the tune of over $100,000, and the residents’ committee has donated funds raised by the seniors themselves totalling over $20,000 to a variety of local charities, including the Helping Hand Food Bank, WOW Living’s Out of the Cold Café, the Terry Fox Run and Southlake Re- gional Health Centre, as well as sponsoring local sports teams. The residence also employs hun- dreds of local staff.
The Elden hosts regular co- op students and popular local events, such as an annual trick- or-treating Halloween event with local children and seniors, and is a proud member of the local Seniors Engagement Commit- tee. As par tners with the Dan- ube Seniors’ Leisure Centre, CHATS, South Simcoe Police Services and other local retire- ment homes, The Elden helps plan events specifically tailored for seniors, such as the National Seniors Day Pancake Brunch at the Danube Centre.
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