Page 32 - PC Winter 2023-24
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      A new fellowship and crafts group started in October 2023 at Point Ed- ward Presbyterian Church in Point Edward, Ont. It was an initiative of the Rev. Dick Eric van Dorsten. He showed participants how to repair a wooden picture frame, while others brought their knitting and quilts, and some brought rocks to paint. The group is pictured here at one of their Thursday meetings.
The Wednesday morning coffee group at Iona Presbyterian Church in Dartmouth, N.S., meets from 9:30 to 11:30. The group works on projects and enjoys a cup of tea or coffee. Wool donated to the church is used to make blankets of many colours for those in need of a warm hug. Each member has a special talent in making these lovely blankets together. Pictured are Irene Rose, Debbie Mason-Bourque, Christine Burden-Arseneault, Dorothy Graham, Ellie Mell- ville and Peggy Mason.
Bells were ringing at Varsity Acres Presbyterian Church (VAPC) in Calgary, Alta. The church was the host site for a hand bell discovery conference by the Alberta Guild of English Hand Bell Ringers (ALGEHR) from October 13–14. The guild holds a conference every four years and 2023 marked their 40th anniversary. For two days, VAPC was the location for workshops, demon- strations and learning opportunities led by some of the best and most in- novative ringers in western Canada.
Participants of all ages attended from across the province, demon- strating and performing in styles that ranged from traditional to con- temporary. The conference received coverage on Calgary’s Global-TV and ended with a well-attended Satur- day night concert by the combined bell ringers.
On Nov. 5, the congregation of Zion Presbyterian Church in Charlottetown, P.E.I., paid tribute to John Barrett (right) for his many years of service to the church. A cake large enough to feed the congregation was enjoyed following the morning service, which was conducted by the Rev. Will Henbest, shown here holding his daughter Alice. John served as Deputy Clerk of Session to Clerk Dorothy Taylor for two years prior to serving for 15 and a half years as Clerk of Session. The good news is he is continuing to serve as a Zion church elder. And just recently, he has assumed a new role with the Presbyterian Church as Clerk of the Synod of the Atlantic Provinces.
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