Page 17 - PC Winter 2023-24
P. 17

Siloé Community’s Visit from the Moderator
  The Rev. Mary Fontaine and her team with the Siloé community reception committee.
By Marthe Simo, Clerk of Session and elder, and Mathieu Fokwa Soh, church elder, Communauté Chrétienne Siloé Canada in Montreal, Que.
At Communauté Chrétienne Siloé Canada in Montreal, Que., the summer was a time of vibrant energy and memorable mo-
The leader of the women’s group singing praise in the Cameroonian language.
ments, bearing witness to the vitality and diversity of this dedi- cated congregation.
It was a special day when the Rev. Mary Fontaine, Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Cana- da, came to visit. The community warmly welcomed her. There was emphasis on the impor tance of faith and communion within the national church, creating a mo- ment of deep spiritual connection.
The moderator visited the parish building, exploring the spaces that host moments of prayer, celebra- tion and gathering. A symbolic moment occurred when the mod- erator signed the community reg- ister, sealing her connection with members of Siloé. This gesture was met with enthusiasm.
The highlight of the visit was the moderator’s vibrant speech, which
The women’s and youth choir groups from the Siloé community.
was delivered after welcoming speeches from the board of direc- tors and the community pastor. The Siloé community thanked the Presbyterian Church for its sup- por t and consideration. Then, the moderator shared words of en- couragement and inspiration, ap- plauding the community for its fer- vour of faith and urging members to persevere in their commitment to spirituality.
The performances of the youth choirs added a musical dimension to the event. The moderator was deeply moved by the talents of the
young singers, recognizing the im- por tance of youth in the continuity of faith. The women’s choir also played a significant role by sing- ing praises in multiple languages, symbolizing the cultural and lin- guistic diversity within the Siloé community.
The moderator’s visit strength-
ened the bonds between the na- tional church and the local com- munity, nurturing the fervour of faith and celebrating the diversity that enriches this congregation. Siloé looks to the future with an- ticipation, ready to continue grow- ing and sharing the light of its faith with the surrounding world.
helped us understand some of the relative privilege we enjoy.
At the end of April, facilitated by a member of presbytery, we were surprised and blessed when this refugee family was able to attend a potluck event we had organized as par t of our New Beginnings pro- gram. At the event, children from varying cultures were able to inter- act and play in a relaxed setting.
    Supporting the Needs of Refugees
 By Sharon Buchanan, Clerk of Session, and Kent Buchanan, Elder and New Beginnings Rep, St. James Presbyterian Church, North Yarmouth, in Central Elgin, Ont.
In late 2022, the Presbytery of London welcomed a Syrian refu- gee family, who had been wait- ing for several years to come to Canada, having been delayed by Covid restrictions. While the funds that had been set aside by presbytery several years ago were sufficient to support them at that time, the funds did not reflect the new reality of housing, gro- cery and clothing costs in 2023.
St. James Presbyterian Church, North Yarmouth, in Central Elgin, Ont., rallied on several fronts to help ensure this family had the
funds they needed. The Sunday school put together a basket of prizes for an Easter-themed raf- fle, using this as an opportunity to be in touch with both active congregation members and those we haven’t seen for a while. The draw winner was a shut-in indi- vidual affected by “long Covid” who was overjoyed to have a visit from the youngsters with the prize basket. The Presbyterian Wom- en’s Association initiated a fun- draiser in the congregation and community, using a calendar with suggested contributions for each day of Lent, based on the bless- ings many of us experience—for example, donate $1 for each meal you ate today.
This had the benefit of raising funds for the refugee family and
    A Christmas gift that brings positive change

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