Page 14 - PC Winter 2023-24
P. 14

Outreach in Regina
By Sumi Jung, Ministry Assistant, Norman Kennedy Presbyterian Church in Regina, Sask.
Since the COVID-19 period, Nor- man Kennedy Presbyterian (NKP) Church in Regina, Sask., has of- fered free family events for the community. These are some of our church’s outreach programs.
Tuesday Family Fun
This summer, from July 25 to Au- gust 15, the family fun outdoor program was held every Tuesday evening in the NKP Church parking lot. Around 50 kids and 25 parents from the neighbourhood attended the program for four weeks.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2023
Through the Family Fun event, our church invited community kids to join VBS from August 17 to 19. There were around 20 volunteers who could share our love, pas- sion and gospel with the 34 chil- dren who attended—and more than half of those children were from the neighbourhood.
Trunk or Treat
For the continuity of the outreach program, “Trunk or Treat” has oc- curred on the last Saturday of Oc-
Vacation Bible School.
tober, every year since 2020, to help our community have a safe way to take children and teens trick-or-treating. It was dreamt up during the Covid period.
We hope and pray that these activities are an opportunity for neighbours to enjoy a variety of church experiences through our outreach programs.
      Trunk or treat.
The Tuesday Family Fun event at Norman Kennedy Presbyterian Church.

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