Page 22 - PC Fall 2023
P. 22

FALL 2023
    The June meeting of the Niagara Presbytery fell on Wednesday, June 21, which was National Indigenous Peoples Day. A small group of Elders and the Rev. Anita Van Nest from Stamford Presbyterian Church in Niagara Falls planned a special service with drumming. It included a call to worship from the Mi’kmaq people and concluded with a Blessing to the Four Winds. The congregation asked to include these wonderful traditions again in the following Sunday morning worship as well. Drummers are the Rev. Anita Van Nest, Elder Leila Paugh and Elder Robin McBurney. Readers are Allison and Haley.
Heroes of Faith
was the theme
of Vacation Bible
School this July at St. George’s and St. David’s Presbyterian Churches in River John and Toney River, N.S. The “Bible Heroes” discussed included Noah and the Ark, David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Queen Esther and Jesus—the greatest Bible hero. Pictured are Vacation Bible School attendees and helpers, and story time activities.
Lochwinnoch Pres- byterian Church in Lochwinnoch, Ont., held a Pop-Up Straw- berry Shortcake Social. The event in- cluded focused con- versations in small groups, music and strawberry desserts.
During the pandemic, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Cobden, Ont., began meeting for worship outdoors in the summer months. The park is next door to the church and provided a good venue. The congregation liked it so much they have continued to worship outdoors post-pandemic on Sundays during the summer when the weather is cooperative. Each Sunday, special music is included. Pictured playing guitar (above) are Dale and Ryan Yuke. Dennis Nieman and Murray Olmstead are in the second photo.

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